
Television programmes that I like
I don't like to watch the television all that much but when I do these are some of the programmes that I like to watch.
Television programmes that I do not like
Probably too numerous to mention, but these are some of the programmes that I don't like
Tom and Jerrry cartoons.
And Bugs Bunny Cartoons
I could sit and watch those all day long.

I dislike soaps. All of them
I think that they are so obnoxious, no-one ever seems to be happy in any of them.
Wallace and Gromit.
I think that those films that Nick Park makes are brilliant.
I also detest programmes like Big Brother.
I also like to watch detective programmes on the TV.
I will usually watch any of the Agatha Christie stories, I prefer the Miss Marple stories best though.
I also like programmes like Morse and Frost etc

