Emily's Ass

Date of birth: 9/19/86.....yes i CAN drive

Nicknames: Stupid as hell girl, that girl who never shuts up aboot that Blink 183 band, DSS, Mom

Hobbies: bass, blink 182, running from chair lifts (i finally went on one, eeep), being in blankets(see above pic), driveeeeee

Eye color: it changes, now its green

Pets: Lisa and Bart (Japanese Chins), Semour, Hunnie, and Amelia (birds), Ninja (turtle)


Blink Life
Screw fate.....wait for anna
Silly little panda
Is there an ice cream place close by?

color: black, red, yellow, green

bands: BLINK 182, simple plan, huey lewis and the news, sum 41, NFG, fenix tx, green day, damone, kay hanley, MXPX, Beach Boys, The Doors,Tons of bands on Warped tour and the Atticus Comp, more that I cant think of now!

food: ice cream

movie: back to the future 1, 2, and 3, HRPS, fight club, 10 things i hate about you, clueless, disney movies from my childhood, south park, all ninja turtle movies, urethra chronicles 1 and 2, super mario bros.

TV show: simpsons, south park, powerpuff girls, scrubs, family ties, almost any old cartoon, fairly odd parents

superhero: Captin Planet(I'm a hippie kid)

video game: Zelda, Vegas Dream(Black Jack) and Super Mario 3(old school nintendo, duh) Sonic on game gear and Anna's little game cube thingy

book: Tales from Beneath Your Mom

concert: All 4 blink concerts I have been to! Warped Tour 2002 Boston!

magazine: Ummm, the one with pictures of Blink in it, Rolling Stone, AP, Jane

actor / actress: blink, edward norton, nick swardson(http://www.loyno.edu/%7Ejjdinsmo/nickswardson.htm)

place to live: vegas, dc, san diego or disney world(ya,I stole that from Seb from Simple Plan)

guilty pleasure: Lou Bega, dont ask, 6th grade memories.

weird phobia of the moment: Blink breaks up

If you could have sex with anyone(living or dead) who would it be? Mark, Tom and Travis.

You are Fozzie!
Wokka Wokka! You love to make lame jokes. Your sense of humor might be a bit off, but you're a great friend and can always be counted on.

Which Rocky character are you?
