Emily's Ass
Magnetic Poetry Song

I promised him a tiny hand-gift
A gorgeous black knife sprays white chocolate
Finger my delicate woman garden
Make me moan and shake with your iron apparatus, but never rip me with your heroful milky shot

He is an old, ugly, juicy, raw, purple boil bloomed by enormous, smelly eggs beneath rusty, bloody angels...lazy
A coming brother produce
Stop watching my butt cheak
Embrace Evil

Tremendous lusty pants
I want to manipulate his sausage with my tongue
He enjoyed laying you
Lift his ship child

I hold his man power between my lips
Touch he sacred goddess thingy
Blow the rock hard pole
Eat her sweet peach

Playing a wild pleasure god
He wants my woman flower
Let me go down on you, baby
I am deliciously too easy
I felt love under his arm

Beam me up
eat baby
Spray sausage

[this song was written by anybody who contributed a magnetic poetry sentence to the Tiki Lounge's mini fridge]
