
Tuesday, May 14th, 2002

Since I have been home (and it's going on three weeks now), I have not seen anyone other than Ni, Chelsea and Lauren. I have not called Lara (though she called me), I have not seen Tad (though we did have plans, which he skipped out on), I have not yet spoken to Jessa. I skipped the past two coffees with the gang, and I'm not going to the Alumni dinner, either. I missed a dinner meeting with Tina, Lindsay and Marta. I almost called Carrot to ask her to go to the Vintage Clothing Show with me on Sunday, but I chickened out. I don't have the energy to arrange a meeting with Geoff. And I haven't even tried to contact Caity. I am a bad friend. No, worse, I am a lazy friend.

But that's all going to change, I hope. I get paid in two days, so I'll be able to afford to go out a bit (as for the past two weeks, I have not even had enough money to buy gas, so could not have gone anywhere), maybe see a film with Jessabelle and go for a coffee with Larie. Plus, this coming weekend is a long weekend (Victoria Day is Monday - yay!). And although it is Meaghan's birthday, we're not sure yet if she wants a party, and even if she does, I doubt she'll want me to hang about. So that's three days of freedom right there. Which is exciting, as the past two weekends have been pretty full for me. It's a big change from the school year, when the only tie I had to actually be anywhere in particular was classes, which took up about three hours a day, Monday to Friday. The rest of the time was just spent lounging and reading. Now, I'm lucky if I have three spare hours a day, and that's usually spent in the living room or basement, in a state of desperate relaxation (read: either watching the tele in a stupor, or trying to figure out the sewing machine in an attempt to release some creative energy). This weekend, however, I intend to do whatever strikes my fancy.

Here's a question for you, though: where can I find a job? Because my time here is almost up, and while I love getting paid exhorbitant amounts of money, closing files all summer might very well kill me. I know I said that I wouldn't mind closing files for other people all summer, but I don't think I could do it anymore. Lifting boxes to see that each file is where it's supposed to be, shifting through dusty folders, and cutting my fingers every two seconds is not pleasant. Plus, this office is just too cold. (NB: I just counted my paper cuts -- I have thirteen. Jesus Christ.) And I'm not entirely sure I'd be wanted here all summer. I'm thinking maybe applying to the Chapters near my house, or maybe a music store at the mall. I entertained the idea of working at Baskin Robbins for a while this morning while I was lifting boxes, but rejected it. It's not that I would mind wearing the little uniforms, it's more that I would hate to have to stand beside a freezer all day. I also considered applying for something at the zoo or the museum, like in the gift shop, but they always over air-condition those places. I could work at a shoe store, but Lauren pointed out that people there usually have to dress up. And while I never (or rarely) look like a slob, I certainly don't dress up in any sense of the word. Plus, I'd have to touch people's feet. Ick. Or, perhaps I'll fall back on my dream of working at a coffee shop. I could make coffee for eight hours a day. Sure I could. Anyway, that question's been bothering me for a while. I don't know what to do with myself for the next three months. And that's probably a bad thing.

Hm. I just zoned out for about three minutes, and when I came back to myself, I noticed that my dad has, in his office, a picture of his first wife, a picture of my mum, and a picture of Meaghan. But nowhere is there a picture of me. This is no good. It suggests that he prefers Meaghan. I don't like that one bit.

And now, via Claire,

I'm so emo!
Take the The "What Teen Label Do You Fit Into Most?" Quiz!
by antiperfect

I did this two times, because I was puzzled about one question. With one answer, I get emo, and with another I get punkish. But Claire's already got the punkish one up on her site (if you can get there on your own, since she doesn't like my linking), so I thought I'd go for the other one. I disagree with both, however, as I no longer feel like a teen. This quiz, therefore, should in no way affect how you feel about me. Besides, quizes are lame.

On the other hand,

I'm Felicity!
What WB drama are you?

Maybe there is something reliable in them. Oh, hell, I don't know. What's more, I don't care.

Listening to:
the clicking of keyboards.

an iced chai from Starbucks. Nummy.

pain. Worlds of pain.