September, 2004

We are looking forward to another exciting school year in Room A212. There will be many new and fun things to learn and do.

The following is a checklist of supplies you will need for our classroom.

Sneakers for gym class
Smock (old shirt) for art class 
One spiral notebook for Math and a folder.
Two black marble notebooks  for spelling and English.     One folder  for Social Studies and Science.
Folders for Health and World Language 
Pencils, erasers, and colored pencils.nbsp;

A pencil case for the desk should be the flat zippered type. 

PLEASE no Trapper Keepers.

While this is a new grade for you, certain things at the Hess School are the same each year. This is a good time to review the Bus Safety Rules. 

Always listen to the bus driver.
Stay in your seats.
Talk quietly.
No eating or gum chewing on the school bus.

Room A216 3 R's

Respect Responsibility Rules

Our classroom will work best if everyone works on the 3 R's. Earning and showing respect for ourselves and each other; recognizing our responsibilities; and following the rules in the school and classroom. 
There are some basic rules for all of the classrooms at the Hess school. 

Classroom Rules
1. Listen and respect all teachers.
2. Treat our school with kindness and care.
3. Keep your hands, feet, objects and unkind words to yourself.
4. Be prepared for class, listen carefully and follow directions.
5. Raise your hand to speak or leave your seat.
6. Walk and speak quietly in class and hallways.
7. Treat others the way you would like to be treated: be kind and polite.

We will also talk about setting goals for our classroom so we will have a well managed, safe learning environment. 

Lunch and Recess are an important part of our day. We need food for energy for the rest of the school day and time with our friends. We also need to follow school rules. These rules help to ensure that you have a relaxing lunch so you can digest your food, and that you are safe at all times. 

Cafeteria Rules
1. Always listen to the duty teacher.
2. Talk quietly to other students at the table.
3. Follow proper table manners and safety rules. 

Playground Rules
1. Always listen to the duty teacher.
2. No rough play.
3. Stay in assigned areas.
4. Line up quickly and quietly. 

Now that you are all ready to catch that school bus do you have the following: Bookbag, homework, all of your books, pencil, eraser, lunch or lunch money? 

See you in Class!

Mrs. B.

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