Elizabeth Marshall

The Magnificent Mayan Civilization

Before beginning this project I spent a little time going over each of the topics that we had to choose from. In the end I chose the Mayan civilization because of their outstanding achievements in both the art world and the academic world. The Maya people had great success architecture, painting, pottery and sculpture. From their highly skillful architects that built tall limestone temples with decorated wall paintings to their many small sculptures made of clay and their larger then life carved stone sculptures. They also had great successes in astronomy, mathematics and even produced an accurate yearly calendar. The Maya people kept information or details, records if you will, on large stone monuments and used them to record important events. They also made paper books that contained astronomical tables, religious ceremony information and note events on in the calendar. They Maya writing system is considered to be a very sophisticated form of writing for the Western Hemisphere. The Maya people were far advanced for their time. The sites that I chose for this project are excellent sources of information because they are each focused on a different aspect of the Mayan civilization with a different kind of perspective.
1. The Maya civilization was a magnificent civilization that although advanced and sophisticated still suffered from a rise and fall. 2. Their arts and academics were unparalleled. Their writing system is “considered by archaeologists to be the most sophisticated system ever developed in Mesoamerica.” Their architecture can measure up to that architecture of the Greeks, the Romans or Gothics. 3. The Mayan mathematics was developed using a vigesimal system, a system based on 20 units instead of the usual 10 units of the decimal system. It only uses three symbols to write any number and counting with your fingers and toes started this system.

Based on the facts above I believe that the Mayan civilization was far advanced for their time. They had all the basics that every modern civilization needs including but not limited to a superior writing system, advanced mathematic system, including astronomy and a astonishing production of arts, including architecture, paintings, sculptures and more.

Friere’s concretization does not apply to me on a personal level and maybe that’s because I do not fully understand Friere’s ideas behind neither concretization nor praxis. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines concretization as making your ideas concrete, specific or definite. It defines praxis as an exercise or practice of an art, science or skill. I’m going to have to think about how these definitions apply (or do not apply) to me on this subject.


Maya civilization - Maya Mathematical System - Mayan Architecture

Project 2A - Project 2B - Project 2C