Garon's Revelation Ch. 2


"Call Mr.Garon down for breakfast, said Mandy, Garon's live-in nanny, cook, housekeeper, Mandy was a short, and what Garon called "pleasantly plump", a black woman who could cook the best southern food in all this part of the country.

Garon just adored Mandy. He wouldn't let anyone put her down and would stand up to defend her just as he would his own mother. Garon finally came down the stairs sleepily as if he was sleepwalking.
"Now here I done spent my morning over a hot stove fixin' all this here food, and you plan on disrespecting
this here ol' black woman by showin' up late for your own breakfast?"

At the sight of ol' Mandy's face, Garon's eyes seemed to light up and shine like two lone stars. He walked over to Mandy, arms outreached, and gave Mandy a kiss on her cheek. "Now Mandy," said Garon
"You know I wouldn't miss eating this wonderful breakfast and spending this beautiful sunny morning with you."

Garon sat down at his place at the table. Set before him was the breakfast Mandy had prepared. A mile of food reached from one end of the table to the other. Sausage, gravy, biscuits, butter and jellies, corn grits, fried potatoes, corn beef hash, bacon, baked ham, cinnamon baked apples, and of juice and coffee.

The room was filled with Garon's close friends and entourage, which was dubbed Garon's Rhinestone's by a newspaper, because of the way they seemed to shine when they were around Garon. They had been with Garon since the beginning and seemed to always be there. They are there too often, thought Garon. Lately Garon had realized that life just wasn't as great for him as everyone thought.

"Well, let's eat !" Said Garon. getting his mind off that subject. With enthusiastic approval, they all grabbed a plate and swarmed over the food like hungry vultures over a dead oppossum or rabbit.
By the time everyone got what they wanted and sat down, the fried potatoes were gone and the gravy was cold. Garon got what he could, but he was still disappointed. He could easily have Mandy cook him up some more, but he decided not to.

"I had that dream again last night" said Garon. "You mean the one about your mom and Gracie?" asked Chuck, a close friend of Garon's. "That's the one, I still can't figure it out." said Garon to Chuck.
"You know, " said Chuck. "Your'e starting to aggravate us all with that stupid dream."
"Excuse me?" asked Garon.
"Wer'e just kinda tired of hearing about it, that's all." answered Chuck.
"Get out! Said Garon.
"I said 'Get out!' " yelled Garon.
"But---but, Garon, I..." stuttered Chuck.
"You heard me! Get out!" ordered Garon once again.

Finally, Chuck quietly got up and left.
At the same time, like a big pouting baby, Garon left the table.
"I'm going upstairs," he said on his way out of the living room.
"Everybody just leave me alone right now. Oh, and Willy, Go out and catch Chuck before he leaves. And let this be a lesson to all of you."

Then he continued ascending the stairs to the Master bedroom, where he once again had that same, haunting dream.