Greetings Bucket Brigade!Welcome to my Kaboom! website. This is an online source for everything concerning the classic Atari 2600 game Kaboom! This is a very addictive game that requires an extrodinary amount of hand-eye-coordination. If you love challenging games that require skill and concentration give Kaboom! a shot.
This site offers reviews of other Kaboom! style games made over the years that try to capture the essence of the original. Pictures of Kaboom! merchandise and other stuff I've made about the game. A bit of history about the programmer Larry Kaplan. And links to other Kaboom! related websites.
In my opinion, if you want to play this game what you really need is an Atari 2600, a copy of the original Kaboom! and a good set of paddles.
If you have any questions just e-mail me or sign the guestbook. And until next time Keep the Madbomber unhappy!
Bombs Away!

New local Philadelphia champion - Bootsy Spankins!  -35,674!
Main Page
Hints and Tips

Paddle Problems

Other Versions






*Super NES

*Larry Kaplan

* *Larry's Favorites

*David Crane

5200 Adaptor
Paul Willson

Activision Patches



WWLKD? Stickers

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Find your own copy of Kaboom here.
Zen Music