Now you need to lay your leather out and decide which part you would like to use. I wanted to use the "top" of the boot, but I also wanted the part where the leather curves around the ankle (because it fits the thumb rather nicely.) This meant I had to use most of the boot (Thankfully my forearm was just long enough!)

If your arm is long enough, you could try this, or you could cut it and use either the curved part or the the top (which already has a finished edge. For cutting, you will need a strong pair of dressmaking shears or a utility knife (I had good success with scissors.)

Congrats! You've just done one of the hardest parts!
The white dots indicate where I cut for my vambraces
Where you may want to cut if you'd to use just the ankle part.
Cut it Out!
If you'd like to use just the top
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