eLsasa's Dumb Ass Awards

This section is dedicated to all the dumb asses who at some point in time made my day!
I just want to say THANK YOU!!!
Please post some more.

1- pReSSuRe™
"The reason why i wasnt caught before is because i only used it once, which was when this screenshot was taken. Whatever i say here will be irrelevant anyways. Im deeply sorry for this and im willing to accept the punishment for my offence."

2- ViSiOn
"ah i dont care i was leaving ko any way... much more beter games out there
you guys need to get uot more
any way i had that hack for weeks and i am yet to be caught
and like 6/10 players use it and GMs do nothing...
this was more just to show how bad this game is managed
i was so sleepy when i posted it i was not thinking :|"

3- Clam/Clamsy
"Macro is ban KOHACK is big deal check the ToS.. no one cares. I'm not getting banned - I left the screen shot because im too lazy to care.. if I cared i would have edited it out or pressed "a" and enter a bunch of times to scroll it off - and I know if they dont listen to our feedback about the real problems they sure as hell arent going to listen to complaints about players, from a fake forum mod that they don't even know exists."