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TopScroll Applet

Examples of the Applet

Click here to see another version of the scroll font applet

Above is an example of the Topscroll applet, its easy to place this applet onto your page, there is an example of how you would include it into your html page and a list of parameters below. You would place TopScroll.class, scrollfont.gif and scrollfont.txt in the same directory as the HTML file. See the Java documentation and source if you want to see how it works. If you do use this on your site, then you should link back to my site from your site, this is the only restriction, if you make a link to my site, this applet is free. The image for linking back is provided in the download section.

If you create a font you want to give to the public domain, then send it me and I will include it and a reference back to your site for the credits.

How to add the applet to your page
Table of Parameters
Parameter Name Description Example
TextFile The first (main) image to display in the cycle, this is the image that will be delayed for a few seconds. car.gif
ImageName The secondary image to display in the cycle. Usually this will read "click me" or something similar click.gif
FontWidth The .AU sound to play when the mouse enters the button area
FontHeight The .AU sound to play when the mouse is clicked
Speed The back colour (if no image is selected using ImageBkCol), gray, black, red or white white


Generating the Scroll text file (scrolltext.txt is the default)

Firstly be sure to generate the file only using upper case letters, you can add as many new-lines as you wish, it will skip past them. The following table has all the combinations:

A - Z  Standard letter always must be in upper case
0 - 9 Numbers
.    ,     !    ?   : Punctuation
`    '                                Speech marks open and close
{  }                                     Smiley face and (C) symbol
+  - Add and Subtract symbols
@ The @ Symbol
/  \ Both Slash symbols.


Creating a font file (scrollfont.gif and scrollfont1.gif are defaults)

By default there are two font files provided with the applet, you can generate additional font files, they MUST be of fixed width, its also better to make the letter widths in steps of 10 (ie 20,40,50).  To generate the file you can use any paint package, be sure that the font does not exceed unique 256 colours. You should model the font letter locations using one of the example fonts provided.

If the fontsize was 50x50, the first letter in the font will begin at location (0,0). The next letters in the font would be at (50,0) (100,0)... incrementing by the font width every time, the font contains 50 letters.

Example of what the HTML looks like

<applet code=TopScroll.class width=640 height=40 >
<param name="Speed" value="5">
<param name="textfile" value="scrolltext.txt">
<param name="imagename" value="scrollfont.gif">
<param name="fontwidth" value="20">
<param name="fontheight" value="20">


Download the applet

This applet is provided as is, there is no warranty implied or otherwise. ElriDEV can not under any circumstances be held liable for any damages caused by the use of this product. The copyright of this product remains the right of ElriDEV, however you may use this free of charge on your site, or use the source for learning purposes. By clicking on any links below you accept these agreement.

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