eAds Problems
An e-mail about an e-mail

Septemeber 6, 2000

Hello everybody.

As most of you may know, I have a web page, which I think is rather clever. I also have on the page ads, and I get 10 cents every time they get clicked on. Now, since my page gets as much traffic as www.YourParentsNaked.com, I had to resort to clicking on my own ads, which is not allowed. Also, the rules state that I cannot "request" my viewers to click on my ads. To get around that, as well as making fun of the rule, I wrote this on my page just before the ads:

"I cannot tell you to click on these ads. They are, however, really good sites and are worth your time. I have been to these sites and they are really good. You should go there. Even though I get paid for each click on them, I cannot tell you to click on these ads. If you are actually going to waste your time to read all it is that I am saying, then you may as well just go to these sites. But I can't tell you to click on these ads to earn me money. I can say go to these sites because they are cool. But I can't tell you to click on these ads, so I won't."

As of August 20, 2000, I earned slightly over $41, and I received and cashed the check. The money has been long since spent. Today, the same day in which I turn legal, I received an email stating that my account has been terminated. The message is shown directly after this letter.

Now, there are a few things I can do. I can take the ads off my page and humbly retreat from this issue. Or, I can keep the ads up, with a disclaimer above saying to never go to these sites. Or, I can harass the email address the warning came from (alison@eads.com) by sending spam and random porn. Now, I leave the future of this situation in your hands. If you care at all, just let me know, and I will pursuit this issue at your discretion. Thank you for all your support.

From: "Alison"
To: "elpfan09@hotmail.com"
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 11:48:35 -0500

Attention eAds member:

Your eAds account was terminated during a recent review because evidence indicated that illegitimate clicks containing your account code were being generated. Some of the things that can cause this are:

*Requesting that website visitors "help you out" by clicking on your banners or requiring them to do so to enter your site or a section therein.

*Setting up false links on your page (i.e. having a link that appears to be one thing, but is actually a link to an eAds advertiser).

*Emailing friends or spamming random users with banners or requests to click on a misleading link.

*Clicking on your own banners.

*Using a warez program or other script that generates clicks.

*Asking friends or family to click on your banners.

*Forcing an automatic forward or refresh to an eAds advertiser's website.

This is not a complete list, but includes the most common reasons for account termination. Please note that all of the above are explicitly prohibited by eAds and detailed in the user agreement contained both at our website as well as in your initial eAds acceptance letter.

System and Account Analyst

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