Chapter one - Assessments

The dorthix




You are the only one who can do it the way you do it. You are the best. You have what it takes. You have got the juice. You have got the power. You and only you have what you have, and nobody can take that away from you. You come from the best, the beginning, the source. You are destined to be great You inherit a legacy of success from those who came before you. They knew you could do it too! You light up the world. You make life worth living. You cannot lose the stuff you use. You are the beginning and the end of the phenomena called you. You are the one who makes the bed. You call the shots. You stand heads above the crowd. They cannot hold a candle for you. When you put your mind to something you get it done. So what are you waiting for?

You are the you that can do it!!

“Remind others of their beauty, whether inside or out. Others feed to hope and a simple remark could change their whole outlook on life.” Elon Rood

“People are never perfect. Forgive and forget just be more protective of yourself and remember that shit happens.” Elon Rood

“Unconditional love for one another is a wonderful thing! I hope more people find out what it is  and share it with others including ourselves.” Elon Rood

“Do not ever give up, just move on and try another route. There will always be pot holes in the road. Try to fill them up as you pass over them.” Elon Rood       

“Do not be shy to new ideas, it could make you a millionaire overnight.” Elon Rood

“Feel your passions and express them freely, to show initiative to others who have trouble finding the right ones.” Elon Rood

“Withdrawal yourself once and a while, and stop to take a glance to make sure you are doing what is best for yourself. Help others understand.” Elon Rood

“Money is irrelevant it will always be there. Greed is never necessary, but be frugal. You do not need to work real hard.” Elon Rood

“Do not forget to praise yourself when you do well in life.” Elon Rood

“Your daily meals are great do not forget to give thanks to God as much as possible.” Elon Rood

“Jealously contaminates the soul. Just be happy that whatever you want could be yours one day.” Elon Rood

“Death is a part of life, knowing it will happen  keeps us motivated to keep striving to be the best we can be. Life is grand do not ever let fear of death stand in your way. If you have a healthy soul you will renounce as a legend on Earth and an angel in the sky. Elon Rood

“Moments happen to you everyday. Moments that can help remind us of the grandeur of ourselves and our world. Try to remember each one.” Elon Rood

“Choices we make everyday create who we are as person. If the wrong choice has been made it is always a good thing if we learn and grow from them.” Elon Rood

“Through your happiness and hope to others you bring the world to peace.” Elon Rood

“Frowns are not always a sign of sadness, but could be a sign of three dimensional thought.” Elon Rood

“Family members do not know why we do the things we do sometimes. Why is there a pleasure in their mystery?” Elon Rood

“Honesty is a universal language, but all the details may not be involved as desired.” Elon Rood

I am shy at first, first impressions mean a lot to most so stay well groomed. Elon Rood

Try to stay on the floor, or just do not jump to high you might see Heaven on accident. Elon Rood

Go places you would not even consider going just by pointing your finger on a map of Earth, be inspired. Elon Rood

“Confidence in oneself is key in maintaining a love for others.” Elon Rood

“Sex we crave it. Do we need to give in to our compulsive impulses? They lead to other painful mistakes, just learn from them.” Elon Rood

“Drugs involve your soul, body, and mind. If all of those are true, stable, and free to hope. A new wisdom may appear to you that you are stronger than most. Just keep it as real as possible.” Elon Rood

“Money makes the world go around. The root of evil is involved in and need for something. Do not get caught up in it, be comfortable, and share with others to keep them honest and true.” Elon Rood

“Healthy is key to success! Success is your stability. Your stability gives hope to others. Questions and advice should be shared at all times. Elon Rood

“Laughter is wonderful, try to feel it is glory as much as possible.” Elon Rood

“Variations in people are remarkable, keep noticing! Elon Rood

“Help a friend all you can then stop and watch them bloom.” Elon Rood

“Lies are what are beneath the surface.” Elon Rood

“When your head feels heavy lay down for twenty minutes.”  Elon Rood

“Places will cease to amaze you, try to amaze your places.” Elon Rood

“Do not linger in hallways or doorways, make a decision and go after it.” Elon Rood

“Stupidity and ignorance are all around! Be careful.” Elon Rood

“What may seem silly today try to remember it, because it may be vital to future.” Elon Rood

“Do not give in to all impulses! Purity is a valuable possession.” Elon Rood

“Clean air is vital to our future. Tell a friend.” Elon Rood

“Beware of external beauty a beast may be inside. Also notice a beast and beauty may be inside.” Elon Rood

The devil is not your friend! He is all around in people, places, and things. Do not hate or be scared of him, he can do no harm because he is weak to good healthy souls who spread hope. Be grateful to him to him for sharing his presence with you and move on.” Elon Rood

“Give your best shot and remember failure may lead to success.” Elon Rood

“Motivate others to stay true.” Elon Rood

“A bad day is always good! It helps us remember that we are human beings.” Elon Rood

“Beautiful souls dance joyfully for all eternity.” Elon Rood 

Do not destroy what you do not understand. Elon Rood 

Please go slow amongst the late person at the noon appointment. Cherish the time waiting by prayer. Elon Rood

Rectify old lovers or friends from eons ago. Elon Rood

Wise men tell no tales, if I make it through to you check on me because they will probably be hanging me to die. Elon Rood

Trust no one, but God. Elon Rood

Create your own bible or limitations in your life. Create it and share it with a friend. I f it is healthy hang it up in a high place in your living area.

Anynomus-September 24th , 2004

As you grace me with your presence smiles emerge from a dark place. Peeking out through a keyhole size opening – laughing begins. Of happiness, ,nervousness or madness? Coziness brings conversation to a room full of un folded clothes. No confusion left to ponder.

          All night shifts downward as light begins to dance, words become quiet; movements become slow. Friends we have come to be welcomed anytime you need. It is about that time, but never for goodbyes, until we meet again. May your day s be alright?