What is an Elo Award?

What is an Elo Award?
I get lots of questions about that, so let me explain. An Elo Award is an award given to different winners of their respective award voted fully by THE FANS, people just like you who are reading this right now. All award winners are picked by fans, and it allows us the chance to vote for players we think deserve the different awards. The one thing I stress is that you DO NOT vote for players based on popularity or just your favorite player, but pick players that really deserve that award. These awards were made by a fan (me) for the fans (you), and I do hope you take this opportunity to let your voice be heard!

Why are they called the 'Elo'?
Well, to be honest, Elo is my nickname, and since I couldn't think of anything better to call it, I used it. LOL

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