My son, Nicholas, age 9--diagnosed with Autism when he was 2 yrs old.
    Hi, my name is Ellen and I am the single mom to a 5 year old boy named Nicholas whom was diagnosed with Autism  when he was 2 weeks shy of his second birthday.  I am also a Vaccine Liberation NJ Chapter contact and director and  a representative for Unlocking Autism for the state of NJ.  I have made a commitment to myself and my son to promote Autism awareness and to advocate for the rights of children with special needs.  The purpose of this page is to tell you alittle about Autism and to provide links to websites that I found an invaluable tool in understanding Autism.
     Nicholas began self-stimulating behavior when he was around 13 months old, rocking in his bed, finger-flapping, playing inappropriately with his toys, having tantrums and withdrawing from his siblings during play. I addressed his pediatrician about these behaviors and he told me that it may just be a "phase" and he would grow out of it.  At 15 months of age, Nicholas lost what little speech he had acquired and his stims were encompassing most of his day. Nicholas was also beginning to exhibit hyperactive behavior.  He was constantly moving, climbing, hitting, , attempting to run off and not exhibiting the common stranger anxiety that other kids his age had..  He required constant supervision.  When Nicholas was approximately 22 months old, he began banging his head on his headboard while rocking in his bed.  At this point, I became worried and addressed his pediatrician again.  I had already began reading up on the topic of Autism on the advice of a friend of my family.  Nicholas' behaviors were proving to be a "textbook" case of Autism.  After consulting his pediatrician, I brought him to a neurologist whom confirmed my worst fears.....Nicholas was Autistic. He began services through Special Child Health Services in my state who helped me arrange Early Intervention services (speech, occupational, behavioral therapies) and  unfortunately the stims that had begun when he was a toddler persisted.  When he was 3 yrs old he entered a public school program for the Autistic in the township school system in Brick Township, NJ  (one of the few nationwide) and it is there that miracles began to happen.  My 3 yr old son whom was constantly throwing tantrums and was unable to speak or respond to others began to open up and responded to his speech, behavioral,  and occupational therapies.  At 4 years of age Nicholas was diagnosed with ADHD and most recently has been diagnosed with Semantic Pragmatic Language Disorder and Heavy Metal Toxicity.  Since the start of the 2003-2003 school year, Nicholas has achieved what some told me was impossible.  He has been in the LD Kindergarten class here in-district with speech, OT, and ABA-VB supports, using the regular Kindergarten curriculum and hes done wonderfully!!! He has been on Houston Digestive enzymes for about 3 months to address his leaky gut problem from Heavy Metal toxicity, which he was diagnosed with about 6 months ago. The enzymes have helped lessen the remaining autistic traits he still has and have helped control his hyperactivity considerably.  We are preparing to chelate him within the next 3 months or so, once his gut has had a chance to heal more.  Next year he will be entering the LLD(Limited Learning disabilities) class here in-district and will continue to recieve all the same supports he is currently receiving.  Hopefully he will continue to defy the odds stacked against him when he was first diagnosed with Autism. 
Nicholas has brought so much to our family.  He has taught all of us a level of compassion and humility that we may not have ever known if it wasn't for him.  He taught me to slow down and not to take things or people in our lives for granted and that with life's heartaches truly comes life's joys.    Our family's life after diagnosis has at times felt like a rainstorm, each frustration or disappointment a raging storm with a calming moment inbetween each...In the end, Nicholas has truly become our rainbow in the "storm" of Autism.

Please feel free to email me if you ever need anything by clicking on the email link below and also please feel free to join my online group in MSN by clicking on the "Parents of Kids/Adults with Autism" graphic below.....

God Bless.....

Autism Research Institute

Center for the Study of Autism

Applied Behavioral Analysis

Parents Of Autistic Children Together

Parents Looking to Solve The Autism Puzzle by esweeney22
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Nicholas at the Special Olymypics, 8/02.  He won the medal for the relay race!!
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