Dedicated to the Memory Of
Beloved Companion of Ellen Sandlin

graphic of specky sitting on a cloud with angel wings and a halo in heaven
July 1986 – January 2000

A Poem Dedicated To Specky
Treasured Friend

I lost a treasured friend today
The little dog who used to lay
Her gentle head upon my knee
and shared her silent thoughts with me.
She'll come no longer to my call
Retrieve no more her favorite ball
A voice far greater than my own
Has called her to his golden throne.

Although my eyes are filled with tears
I thank him for the happy years
He let her spend down here with me
and for her love and loyalty.
When it is time for me to go
And join her there, this much I know
I shall not fear the transient dark
For she will greet me with her bark.

Author Unknown


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