Bigland - Transcriptions

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Detail supplied by Elizabeth Jack
'Bigland' is the short name for a set of four volumes entitled:

Historical, Monumental and Genealogical Collections,
relative to the county of Gloucester;
Printed from the Original Papers of the late Ralph Bigland, Esq., Garter Principal King of Arms' edited by Brian Frith.

It contains the MIs (Memorial Inscriptions) from all the churchyards in Gloucestershire recorded prior to Bigland's death in 1784. So - it has copies of all those early inscriptions which we can no longer read due to the ravages of nature over the past two centuries.....

Well, he also recorded those in the city of Gloucester but they are not included in the four volumes of his work.

This is because the Gloucester memorial inscriptions were sold by Bigland's son to Thomas Dudley Fosbrooke, who published them in his book entitled 'An Original History of the City of Gloucester' in 1819. Although Fosbrooke's book contained a general index, the Bigland memorials were not included. Sites covered in the book include the Cathedral (St Peter's), St Margaret's, St Magdalen's, St Aldate's, St John the Baptist, St Catherine's (alias St Oswald's), St Mary de Crypt, St Mary de Grace, St Mary de Lode, St Michael, St Nicholas, Dissenters' Burial Ground (Southgate Street Chapel) without the South Gate, Dissenters' (Unitarian) Burial Ground in Barton Street.

Would you believe?
I found a Bigland marriage at Tetbury St Mary's, John Bigland wed 12 Oct 1806 to Hannah Herbert.

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© Elizabeth Janson
First released on 18th  June, 1999
This version released on 1st  November, 2000
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