Role of the PE Curriculum Leader

Planning - ensure continuity and progression across key stages

Monitoring and Assessment - standards

Organisation - equipment/lessons

Audit - safety of equipment/quality/purchase

Quality of teaching - inservice training/up-to-date courses/observations

Justification of PE - knowledge base/research issues

Inclusion of HRE - health promotion

Providing a variety of physical activity experience - quality/quantity

PE policy document

School Development Planning

Curriculum development - policy: schemes for whole school in each   area of PE, lesson unit structure and guidance.

Staff development and support - INSET: team teaching, demo           lessons, advice and guidance

Monitoring of standards of achievement in PE

Assessment Policy in PE - record keeping and summative NC            assessment methods, moderation of standards, systems for the           whole school.

OFSTED Planning

Keeping up to date - courses to go on/latest ideas, professional           literature, new developments

Extra-curricular activities - organisation and liason with parents and     staff in other schools, tournaments, travel etc.

Safety - teacher and the law (BAALPE Safety Manual)

Liaison with other schools, agencies and links with the community

Resources - ordering/budgeting, storage, safety

Maintenance - review, policy updating, external links, extra-               curricular activities, ordering and replacing equipment, on-going          advice and help to staff

For links to recent OFSTED reports and research findings for PE.