KB3KVA and Ham Radio
This page is by a newly licensed Extra amateur radio operator.I successfully past the CW 5WPM exam on July 6, 2005 and the general theory on April 16, 2005.I passed the Element 1 after many attempts.I worked with the G4FON program (KOCH Method).Hopefully this page will encourage other tech licensed operators to get the upgrade to general privileges and if you desire work QSOs with only CW.
Upon further investigation I found out that there are some Yahoo Groups which help beginners,like me, overcome any hurdles that might develop. One of the groups is entitled G4FON and the other is called Solid Copy. As luck would have it after passing the CW test in early July 2005, it encourage my wife and daughter to study for their Technician license. This also spurred me to start studying for the Extra exam. In late July 2005, my wife and daughter took the Technician exam, and I took the Extra exam. My wife passed her Technician exam and I passed the Extra exam. My hat is off to the older hams in our midst that had to pass a CW test at a rate of > 15 words per minute. I really have a lot of practical stuff to learn about ham radio. My main interest in ham radio today is in using the digital modes. I recently joined Army MARS that utilizes many of the digital modes. Have been in Army MARS for 2 months now and have learned much regarding how nets are run and handling traffic. Good luck and 73. :-))
Member of ARRL
My Favorite Links:
Green Mountain Repeater Association
American Radio Relay League
AC6V's Technical Page
Personal Info
Name: Santford Williams (KB3KVA)
Email: elijah0012003@yahoo.com