Airia walks into the great hall to look for her friends.  When she spots them in the huge mass of black Hogwarts robes, she takes the spare seat next to them.
But before Airia can sit down an annoying Gryffindor by the name of Eric pulls her chair away.  Poor Airia..POW!!!! the loud sound created from her fall causes the Great Hall to grow eerily silent execpt for the occasional laugh from the other house tables.  "I'll get him back for this..." She then begins scheming deviosly with her fellow Slytherins...
"I will have my revenge,"  whispers Airia softly so only the people close to her can hear.  She then looks over at her crush, Draco Malfoy, and sighs.  If only he would pay just a little attention to me, thought Airia silently.  Maybe he will some day notice I exist. Then she ate the rest of her breakfast in silence...
While the owls delivered their post the Slytherins had much enjoyment listening to th stupid dolts who recieved howlers.  Then Flo, Airia, and the other Slytherins headed towards their first class, Herbology, with the stupid, annoying, thick-headed, ugly...Gryfindors.  All the while, Airia's alarmingly close watch on the infamous Draco Malfoy does not go unnoticed by her closest friends.  But matters are pushed aside as they realize that the time  to seek revenge against Eric is now...
Back in the common room...
Zahara was sitting peacefully on the couch when Airia walked in through the door.  "Hi, Zahara," she says, "why weren't you at breakfast?"  Zahara replied; "I wasn't hungry.  You look mad about something." Airia told her the whole story about th chair thing at breakfast. "So you're planning revenge aren't you?"

Just then, Flo, one of Airia's closest and most trusted friends (if Slytherins can be) came up to Zahara and Airia.  "Hey Airia," she says airily, "I have a surprise for you."  As soon as the words leave her mouth, a tall, dark, formidible figure steps out from behind Flo. "He wants to help us get revenge," she says, then, with a wink, Flo turns and walks over to Zahara leaving Airia and Draco naught but four feet away.
Walking to Herbology...
"So," Zahara asked, "what will we be doing to the Grifies today?"  "I don't know," answered Flo.  "What do you think we should do?" Airia asked Draco flirtily.  Zahara and Flo just smiled and shook their heads.

"FLO BANKS, PLEASE REPORT TO THE HOSPITAL WING IMEDIATLY." the sound echos over the castle grounds.  "Well, I guess I have to go, bye" Flo says.  "Oh, and Airia, let me know how it goes with you and Draco."
I wonder why Flo had to go to the hospital wing, Airia thought to herself. After herbology was over, Zahara checked her schedule. "Darn," she said. "We have transfiguration next, with the Grifies! Flo is lucky she gets to miss it."
The three of them sat in the very back row.  "I don't want to be near that Potter," was Draco's excuse and Airia was perfectly fine sitting wherever he sat.  Professor Mcgonagall had started the lesson but Airia couldn't stay focused, he was actually sitting right beside her!  "So, what did this 'Gryfie' do to you?"  Draco wispered into her ear. He was talking to her!  "He pulled my chair out from under me and I...fell..." Airia said embarassedly...
"Mis-Ter Malfoy!! If you would quit talking to your girlfriend, we MIGHT actually LEARN something today! Ten points from Slytherin!" screeched Mcgonagall, cutting short their conversation...
Draco didn't talk to Airia anymore during that class.  They walked out of tranfiguration to go to their next class, Care of Magical creatures.  "So," asked Airia, "how are we going to have this revenge?"...
Just then, Airia hears her name being called from across the grounds and when she turned around to look, she saw Flo running toward her with a hipflask and a handful of dungbombs. "Hey! I thought we might be able to use these against that Gryfie!"  she said shortly.  "We might not want to use them here though," retorted Draco, "you won't be able to smell them over that great brute, Hagrid!" The whole Slytherin house broke out in uncontrollable laughter at this quirky remark.
They all walked on to Hagrid's Hut still laughing, though not near as much of as hard. "I wonder what monster we get to learn about today?" asked Draco Malfoy to his fellow Slytherins. "This," said Hagrid, "is a Demiguise. Does anyone know what that is?" The class looked at the long-haired beast uncertiantly. Hermione Granger was the only person with her hand up. None of the Slytherins liked that mudblood, show-off. "It's a beast found in the Far East with long silver hair that can be used to make Invisibility Cloaks." she said loudly... 
"Right ye ar' Hermione."said Hagrid. "Now, what ar' the abilities of this here Demiguise?" As always, Hermione raised her hand...along with Draco..."Malfoy...why don't we give you a chance te' answer." "Well, I'd say it has the "ABILITY" to make you look like a great git in front of his students!" Again, the Slytherins broke out in uproarous laughter while 3 of the Griffies was tryin to calm Hagrid down. *Harry walks over* "What do you want Potter?"leered Malfoy."What you said to Hagrid wasn't very nice."Harry stated."Yeah, Hagrid is just trying to teach us something!"piped Hermione."Oh and what do you plan to do about it Mudblood?" at this remark, Hermione ran,crying to Hagrids hut,followed by Harry. "I'll get you for this Malfoy..."whispered Ron..."I'll GET YOU!"He then followed after Harry...*ding* "Come on Airia!" said Flo, racing up the grounds...It's time for lunch...
Everyone rushed into the Great Hall, and found a seat. Draco, Airia, Flo, and Zahara sat at the end of the table discussing the hilarious class which they had just left from. Airia stayed silent through this but had managed to sit by Draco. She started to notice small glances she got from her crush and wondered. What if he actually liked me as much as I liked him, she thought but quickly wiped the thought from her mind realizing that there was no chance of that considering the fact that he was popular, rich, and very nice looking. 'I'm going to go ahead to the common room and get my books ready to go to Potions," and left the table to go to the Slytherin common room...
As soon as Draco had left, Every one turned to Airia..."He-ey! I think he likes you!" exclaimed Zahara zealously."Ooooh yeah! I do too! I mean did you see him look at you" Flo said. Airia began to blush furiosly at all of their remarks. "Quit it guys! He doesn't Like me!" said Airia growing redder by the minute. "Well I think SOMEBODY likes him!*wink*wink*" "Shut up Flo said Airia. She looked in Flo's direction, past her yellowish eyes, the color they turn when she is being annoying, and in the shadows she sees 3 figures moving...and one is wearing large, black, glasses...
"Hey," Airia calls to Harry Potter, "what do you think you're doing down here?" Flo and Zahara come up behind him The funny part of this is that all three of the girls were about a foot taller than Harry so they towered over him when they stood. He didn't answer. "Oh... are you speechless because we indimadate you so much?" asked Zahara. All of them laughed at this, as in, all of them except Harry Potter....
Potter still says nothing but Hermione steps forward. "WE were here to find Malfoy," she explains. "Well," Airia says, "He is gone already, mudblood." Though she did not run away crying, her eyes had started to redden. Now it was Weasley's turn to stand up for Harry. "Could you just tell Malfoy, when he gets back, that Hagrid wants to tell him something," Ron continued, "because he is your boyfriend, and everything...." Airia stared back at him, her blue eyes showing no pity, "He is not my BOYFRIEND!" she said coldly...
This is an RPG that my friends and I created.  I fear it may be erased from it's current location, so I put it here.  I will be adding more daily. Sorry if it's a bit confusing.  I tried to color code who wrote what to make it a little easier.  I'm also sorry about the spelling mistakes. I know this might amaze you but I'm not perfect. ;)  ENJOY!
People who are writing this:
Megan (Blanc)
The character they created to represent themselves:
No one knows (KENDRA, TELL ME)
Page Two