Humanity has survived The Fall and The Flight and now hundreds of light years toward the galactic core a few
million work to achieve prosperity and security. Nearby rage the reunification wars of the Kentaurans, a species
whose interstellar empire collapsed before the rise of modern man and which rediscovered the means of interstellar war just before The Flight led man to New Canaan. The war between the Syfolan Alliance and Kentaurus Pact threatens to drag the entire sector of space into anarchy. Toward the rim the Outsiders have survived their own flight, and now the dark twin of New Canaan society lurks on the horizon, their xenophobic admirals probing slowly further out into space for signs of danger.

An original RPG by Eli Arnold. This roleplaying game is free. I'm putting everything I've created for it here on this site for your use. I ask only one thing. Tell me how you've altered the rules, send me designs of weapons and planets and civilizations and I'll post them here. E-mail me at

History and Setting

I'm ready to die now, but theres this nagging part of me which says I've this one duty left to fulfill and that I have to do it the hard way. No brain dump for me, I'm sitting down with real paper and pen to record how this all came to pass. They tell me I'm the only one qualified to tell this story, but I don't believe it. Yes, I was there from beginning to end, but many others were there nearly as long. Well, in the end it matters little, they're refusing to put anything down until after I've finished my part of it and I'm just arrogant enough to let them bully me into being the storyteller for more than a thousand years of human history.

Greg Sullivan
Majority Speaker
First Proxy Council, 3117

The History of Man: Politics,Dolphins and The Africa Problem
The History of Man: The Dark Ages and The Fall
The History of Man: The Flight and New Canaan

These will hopefully help give you a feel for the game.

"For now the Centaurs are moving on a track parallel to that of humankind. Our populations are intermixed and we share local institutions, but there is every reason to believe that in time they may diverge from us. The databanks of the Centaur Seedship contained the histories of a once widespread and mighty Centaur Civilization. Little is yet known about what the histories contain as there are too few of us to cover such a great amount of data. One day our populations will grow large enough to support a serious attempt at investigating this dead civilizations records and it seems possible the social forms and organization of the distant past will become appealing once more.
Nina Maarten
First City University

New Canaan: The seat of humanity.
The Outsiders
Xenophobic militarist, the only known survivors of the Marauder attack other than those at New Canaan.
Notes on the Centaurs
Humankinds partner in flight, the Centaurs are an integral part of this new society. Learn how many sexes they have and why their form of sign language is so damn hard to follow.
Notes On The Kentaurans
One of the three major non-human sentient species.
Notes on the Sandlings
When humans arrived on the scene Sandlings were just beginning to industrialize their planet they affectionately call Garden. (What Sandlings consider a garden, most humans would call desert.)
Characters and Worlds
Additional information on the planet Gryis added (June 5th)

Characters and Rules

Character Creation (Skills here)
I've added the skill list to this page to make creation easier. There's a new point system for character creation. (June 6th)
Example Character
Anson MacDowell has been created using the new point system. (June 6th)

Economy and Equipment

Ship Design
The wonders of modern Von Neumman construction techniques have put the non-military space craft in the price range of social clubs and hate groups. Design your own here.
Examples of ships.
The equipment catalog
Bringing out the best, and the never was, in humankind.
Species Attribute Averages
Hit Tables
More Combat Tables


Check out my site that provides a detailed example of how MMORPGs could be redesigned to focus on their strengths: social interaction and player manipulated environments, instead of rat killing and repetitive leveling.
Incorporation and Exploring
My current WebRPG players try to figure out how to pool funds to explore, and reward the investment.
Learn something about the author.
Star Generator
Generate random star systems. Also, I've taken some of the pictures on this site from those which came with the generator download. Credit goes here.
Star Form
This is a great program. Take a look at it.
Find free roleplaying systems HERE

Fiction In This Timeline

Listed in order of relevance.

Not quite done. The first portion is here. The next three will be soon. This is the setting of the game.

I Alone
A different sort of story focusing on the Dark Ages on Earth under the Major Powers. Jonathan Richtor was the man least suited to living during this age. Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

All written by, and the intellectual property of Eli Arnold.

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