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Intimate majik/seductive massage
Thank you for visiting elfgirlz site! We of the wee folk, invite you on a journey of majik and mystery!
It has been told in days of yore, that the gifts of the fae were enchanting and seductive. Many a time, mortals have been lured amongst them, never  to be seen again . Now all ye who are strong in heart and mind, can test themselves and wander into the land of the fae. Maybe to indulge in a relaxing massage with a beautiful and petite elfling or converse with a wise, dark high-elf.  Stimulating, haunting, and erotic, an experience you won't soon forget, is in store for you!
In a land called Tuatha Dir Gwanoth, a man came travelling down a wooded path. In front of him, was a brook of crystal blue. Along this brook, he sat himself a spell and after a short time, a lovely  lass appeared; of auburn fire hair and ivy-green eyes; magically lilting a harmonious tune. Feeling younger than his years, he yearned for her and found himself following the lass.
Upon looking closer, he saw that she was not a human lass at all! She had little pointed ears, a curious mark on her forhead and she had skin the colour of alabaster that sparkled in the early morn's light. Taken by curiousity and desire, he continued to follow. After an afternoon and eve's trailings, she turned and smiled at him,giving him a sly wink! He was shaken by her knowledge of him being there. He was an excellent tracker and never spooked his quarry.
Intrigued, he was about to speak when she suddenly appeared at his side, carressing his arm! Smiling and casting a beguilingly, wicked grin, she began to nuzzle his neck, humming as she did so.The haunting tune was very intricate and some how familiar. His head was reeling, his heart pounding and he was finding himself becoming aroused. It usually took much more than a touch on the arm to do this! She had a sweet scent and her skin felt curiously like velvet.
She began to whisper to him in a tongue not heard before, but not bothersome. As he gazed at her, her eyes became hugely luminesent in the increasing darkness, startling him.
She was wearing a short shift of some sort, ivory in color, that slightly glowed in the little moonlight that was appearing. He realized that this shift did little to hide her female attributes as she rubbed against him. He was mezmorized and extremely relaxed....

Once you step into the land of the fae, you  open the door for them to visit you at any time. Most tend to visit in wee hours of the night 9pm-2am, but there are times when a few bold ones go about in the day 10am-2pm. Yet, do not be startled if you meet a fae being, then see them later in your dreams!

Northeast Ohio is our current demise.
The Little People favor to no particular sex, we love all folk (men,women,couples) and  wish for you to join us in total peace and relaxation. To enjoy yourself is the wish of all in our realm!
*Please do note that this is a creative method of promoting an adult entertainment service.
you must be 21 or over to partake!  :)
Those of the friendly folk do expect compensation for their gifts. In the past, this may have been cream & honey or the best of the years'  barley crop. Today ,the fae wish for the mortal being to care for gaia (earth) and expect monetary relief in notes, silver or gold.  We do realize that many of you do not deal in coinage as of yore, so paper monies are permitted. This is negotiable upon communication with us. We will not deal with your children or pets, we let them flourish on their own , they have enough gifts amoungst themselves!
You can contact the other kin and inquire about how to reach us by closing your eyes and focusing on your innermost selves. Then, tap on this magic board before the mysterious box in front of you, and make your mark. Please include your pen name, soul name, contact number, and best time to reach you. We will answer your quiries as soon as mother nature allows!
We hope you will join us in celebration soon!

Inner light and knowledge, erotic fancies and immortal dreams await!
                   Summon us by writing to:


You are mortal #
"Fairy Bubble" Copyright c 1986, Boris Vallejo.
All contents herein are the copyrighted work of elfgirlz unless otherwise stated.
     Copyright c. 2001, elfgirl.All rights reserved
Copyright c 2001, elfgirl. All rights reserved.
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