1.5  SubQuantum Picture of the World


One day the door will surely be opened slightly,
and we will see the sparkling mechanism of
our world in all its simplicity and perfection.

John Archibald Wheeler

Here is the description of the basic defining characteristics of the SubQuantum Paradigm as it is seen by the author for the present day. Constructive diagrams and principles of theoretical reconstruction of a new level of physics – subquantum level – are described. This level lays behind (under) already familiar quantum level, forms it, playing the role of a base, and the supplier of both building and connective material, and a tool at the same time. An attempt to open slightly the sparkling mechanism of our world in all its simplicity and perfection is offered to your attention.

This is the qualitatively new stage of revival and development of the Field Program of Faraday–Maxwell. All begins with the theoretical reconstruction (the reconstruction by our perceiving mind) of the physical level so far hidden from us, laying under (standing behind) the already familiar physical level of elementary particles and quantum fields – the subquantum level. It is constructed so that it contained in itself without the rest the subquantum field of Faraday–Maxwell (SubFM-field) and its subquantum sources (SubFM-sources) – the charged subcurrents (SubFM-currents), but did not contain anything else, but interaction of these two constituents. The subquantum physical level (SubFM-level) is the indivisible fundamental substratum identified to cooperating pair of the SubFM-field and its SubFM-sources. The SubFM-level is a strictly closed physical system. The reasons of any processes proceeding there have to be looked for only within this system. It is the self-sufficient, self-sustaining and constantly becoming from itself physical system.

At the SubFM-level both its constituents are inseparably represented and interact, each of which is described by extremely continuously distributed values. It would be appropriate to return to the SubFM-level its legal, historically originated name (with an appropriate ending) – the SubFM-aether. This very SubFM-aether meets all the requirements which were made by James Maxwell to the electromagnetic aether persistently sought by him. It should contain both a field, and the moving charged sources of the field – the currents of the aether. While strengthening the position of Maxwell in the relation to the aether with the help of the Theory of the Electromagnetic Field built by him, the subquantum program goes further: the SubFM-aether is only the thing that finds a place for itself in the equations of Maxwell, the thing that can be represented there in a proper way. Everything else, alien to these equations, should be rejected without any regret. Maxwell, while constructing the Theory of the Field, and recording its equations, was forced to base on mechanical and hydrodynamical patterns of the electromagnetic aether, as an intermediate transmitting substance between cooperating particles of rough matter. The diagram of construction of the theory of the SubFM-aether bases first of all on the discovered by Maxwell EQUATIONS of the FIELD, quite rigidly limiting structure of SubFM-currents and their equations of movement in the SubFM-field permissible by them.

The SubFM-aether (or the SubFM-level) comes to change all the set of physical constituents of the world, where both rough matter and the intermediate aether (thin matter) of the XIX century entered. According to the physical picture of the world of the second half of the XX century, it was possible to say, that the world in which we live, that we study and describe, is the set of cooperating elementary particles or quantum fields. According to the subquantum paradigm – the World is the SubFM-aether! All the elementary particles or quantum fields really existing, are some structures of the SubFM-aether constantly becoming ones in the process of interaction between the SubFM-field and SubFM-sources, which are represented to our mind in true light through the equations of Maxwell.

The idea of construction of the SubQuantum Theory of the FieldSubQFT, has entirely captivated its author after the discovery of the following surprising result: – Unification of the equations of the SubFM-field with the fact of necessity of existence of single based electron as the strictly steady-state structure of the SubFM-aether, is quite enough for obtaining the equations of SubFM-currents' movement in the SubFM-field.

At the initial stage of the SubQFT development as the equations of the SubFM-field the equations of Maxwell–Lorentz (ML-equation) in their 4-vector or tensorial form in space-time of Minkowski (M-space) are taken. It is necessary to remember, that only continuously distributed charged SubFM-currents can enter into the right parts of the ML-equations. It is assumed, that the required SubQFT equations set can have as its partial solution such SubFM-aether which we identify to single based electron in «empty space» in the inertial system of reference K0.

It has been long time since theorists left their attempts of the description of such electron by means of (linear) ML-equations in association with the assumption of static distribution of a charge of electron. At any static configuration of its field sources, the collapse of such a construction can not be avoided because of the mutual pushing away forces between its likely charged particles. Determined attempts to impose kinematic connections from the outside contradict to the principles of the theory of relativity. The most pragmatic choice from the existing set of controversial patterns is for a long time considered the dot (singular) electron to which by the determined decision it is prescribed to have final values of a charge and of rest mass. It is a good choice from the existing set of bad patterns, because the necessity to care of distributions of its charge and energy disappears. This choice has always been made as the forced and temporary one, which readdressed the solving of the problem to the future complete Theory.

The subquantum paradigm is characterized by the refusal from this additional assumption – from dogma, – as if the field of based electron by all means should be formed by distribution of based charges. Any references to historical precedents and the authorities, the most refined psychological justifications of our inertia of thinking, long following to this dogma, can not (and should not) serve us the criteria of its being true any longer. The SubQFT is constructed basing on the assumption about a spatial set of the stationary charged SubFM-currents producing together the integral stationary field of based electron. From the searches of a static configuration of based charges, – to the description of the charged SubFM-currents moving an a stationary way in a field of electron. If the nature resists to the construction of electron from based charges, – we shall build electron eternally «breaking up into emptiness» on infinity, having complemented this picture with the opposite directed stream of charges from the infinity, falling on a field of electron and dissipating on it.

The choice of stationary SubFM-currents as the SubFM-sources of a field of electron brings the necessity of imposing an additional condition – conservatism of movement of each element of the SubFM-current and the SubFM-field produced by it. Without the strict conservatism in all details of interaction of SubFM-currents and SubFM-field, it is not possible to construct such a deeply stationary structure of the SubFM-aether that single based electron should be. The procedure of selection of kinematics of stationary currents to the unconditional conservatism (strict absence of radiation) of their field received the solid basis in works of Hermann Minkowski, who gave us the relativistic kinematics of movement in M-space (M-kinematics). The M-kinematics was constructed by him as the natural kinematics of movement of field sources which are included in the right parts of the ML-equations.

For the first time the hyperbolic movement was investigated by Minkowski [2] as especially simple movement. [1] Namely to Minkowski the decisive merit belongs in realizing the uniqueness of the hyperbolic movement in the M-kinematics, which is defined by symmetries of the ML-equations. He was the first who came so close to the clear-cut formulation of dynamic uniqueness of the hyperbolic movement of field sources, the uniqueness that was closely connected with the conservatism of the field produced by charged currents at the hyperbolic movement.

 The translation from Russian was made by Masha and Natasha Zazerska
Last modifications: December 7 2002
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The Literature Quoted:
1. Pauli W. Theory of Relativity. Pergamon Press, 1958
2. Minkowski H.,
I   Das Relativitätsprinzip. The Report to Mathematics society in Göttingen of 5th November, 1907. Published in Jahresber. d. Deutsch. Math. Ver., 1915, Bd 24, S. 372; Ann. d. Phys., 1915, Bd 47, S. 927;
II   Die Grundgleichungen für Elektromagnetischen Vorgänge in bewegten Körpern. – Gött. Nachr., 1908, S. 53; Math. Ann., 1910, v. 68, p. 472, and separately: Leipzig, 1911;
III   Raum und Zeit. The Report, Read to Naturalists' Society in Kologne on 21st September, 1908, published in Phys. Ztschr., 1909, Bd 10, S. 104, and – Das Relativitätsprinzip. – Leipzig, 1913
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