libertarian party news

november, 1999

page 14 - the issues

Cell phone tracking plan: Spy-One-One?

new federal regulation that allows the government to pinpoint the exact location of a phone call has troubling implications for privacy, the Libertarian Party said.

"This is 'reach out and spy on someone' technology - and will be an irresistible stepping stone for law enforcement to expand its surveillance of ordinary Americans," charged Dasbach.

In September, the Federal Communications Commission directed phone companies to deploy new technology to deter mine the location of a cellular phone call to within 55 yards. The rules are scheduled to take effect in 2001, and the cost of the tracking devices will be passed on to phone customers.

The use of the new tracking system will be restricted to 911 emergency calls, vowed the FCC - but Libertarians don't buy that promise, said Dasbach.

"This new regulation may start with 911, but it will end with Spy-One-One," he predicted.

Besides, he said, if this new technology will help people, why not let individual Americans make that decision?

"Every year, millions of Americans voluntarily make purchases that enhance their safety," he noted. "We don't need more regulations to force us to be safe."

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