backgrounds and colors to tables and
frames. Creatively designed and loaded
with helpful examples, this site also
includes chat and a message board.

html MADE REALLY EASY This nofrills site is in an easyto-read, if somewhat unexciting, form. It breaks down HTML into its basic components- -starting with a definition of HTML-and shows how to write tags and create pages.The tutorials are a useful feature and allow you to practice what you're learning. The text of the site is also available in Spanish.

Visit the Crazy Atheist Libertarian
Visit my atheist friends at Heritics, Atheists, Skeptics, Humanists, Infidels, and Secular Humanists - Arizona
Arizona Secular Humanists
Paul Putz Cooks the Arizona Secular Humanist's Check Book
Some strange but true news about the government
Some strange but real news about religion
Interesting, funny but otherwise useless news!