Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 13:40:36 -0700
From: ("Carlos A. Alvarez")
Subject: Re: [privacy] Medical web sites collecting personal info

At 07:03 PM 2/2/00, said something to the effect of:
>I would be very interested in any and all information regarding my privacy
>the web.

I use a program called Cookie Pal which allows me to control cookies in a way that is mostly non-intrusive and automatic. You tell it which cookies to accept or reject regularly. So you can reject all invasive cookies while automatically accepting useful ones, such as for sites you have to log in to. You can download Cookie Pal from any of the major shareware sites, or from which also has other internet software. I think the registration fee is $15. The software works perfectly all the time, has never caused a problem. Configuration is extremely easy.

As far as banners and popups, I use a simple proxy agent from Junkbusters. . These guys have been around for a while, and have lots of great info about getting rid of junk mail (paper and e-mail), and other privacy info. The software is free. Installation is pretty easy, but configuration might take a little while. Once working, it is completely invisible and reliable. This software can also block all cookies, but that can be a problem with sites that require them for login info and such. I disabled the cookie blocking in this software and let Cookie Pal handle them for me.

>It is for that reason I continue to use my Pentium II computer, it is my
>understanding the Pentium III have a traceable code back to the user. If
>have alternatives, I would be grateful for the information.

It is NOT traceable to a user. There is a serial number in the CPU, which can be traced back to...that CPU. That's it. Unless you go somewhere that retrieves the CPU number, then you enter your personal data, there is nothing to connect you to it. I don't know of any sites that can retrieve the data at this time. Also, all the motherboards I'm familiar with will allow you to turn off the CPU serial number feature.

Carlos Alvarez, Tucson, AZ, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy

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