...and was curious: are you aware that tucson 2600 meetings have already
been happening each week at the barnes & noble on east broadway?
CrACKeD <cracked@primenet.com>
see web site for public pgp key

hey, well this is kinda a surprise... a friend sent me your tucson's 2600 url and uhm hehe tucson has 2 2600 meetings. I started having 2600 meets about 5 or 6 months ago. Theres about 10 people attending the meet. So lets join forces i guess. Right now we're on a onelist mailing list: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/520meeting so unless you got something better down why dont you and all the people attending your meet join the list. contact me on icq at 15998769 and ill give you uins of all the members on icq. We've had the last 3 meets at barnes and nobles on broadway. contact me soon. later

Phone Preacher +++preach+++

From: random61@hotmail.com

I would like to attend your 2600 mettings. I was hoping that you could provide me with a little more info about the meeting. Thanks


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