y LB16 email
ASH - ash - arizona secular humanist atheist discussion list
join this atheist discussion list server!

all messages you post are automaticly sent to all members!

no moderator exists to censor messages.
what you post is deleivered to all members
with out any censorship.
with out any waiting.

to join 

     1) send an e-mail to

     2) you will receive an e-mail from
        asking if you really want to join.
        when you reply to the e-mail you will become
        a member of the listserver.

     3) once your a member will send you
        a 2nd message telling you your a member.
        (but it will be a few minutes after you get
        the message before you actually are made
        a member and can post and receive messages)

to post messages to the group after joining send
your message to

if you want to stop receiving messages and be removed
from the list server send a message to

or you can also join and quit at

this is a one time message. i will not be sending anymore messages to you. i compiled a list of peoples who had used the aztec religion and humanitys sig or who's e-mail address was posted on to the sigs and sent this email to every address i found ps - paul putz and linda chapman. neither of you is allowed to join this list so please keep away

Visit the Crazy Atheist Libertarian
Visit my atheist friends at Arizona Secular Humanists
Some strange but true news about the government
Some strange but real news about religion
Interesting, funny but otherwise useless news!