Elearning , Interview Questions And Answers


Ans: 36 degrees 5. Swetha, Tina, Uma and Vidya are playing a gambling. In this different people lose in different games-in the reverse alphabetical order. The rule is that if one loses she should double the amount of others. At the end of 4 th game each of them have same amount of money (Rs.32). Which one of them started with the least amount? (6) Which one of them started with the largest amount of money? (7.) At the end of the 2 nd game what is the amount of money with uma? Ans: Vidya, Swetha, Rs.8 8. A cube of 12 mm is painted on all its side. If it is made up of small cubes of size 3mm. If the big cube is splitted into those small cubes, the number of cubes that remain unpainted is Ans: 8 9. B is 50% faster than A. If A starts at 9 A.M. and B starts at 10 A.M. A travels at a speed of 50 km/hr. If A and B are 300 kms apart, The time when they meet when they travel in opposite direction is Ans:12 noon 10. A graph will be there. Inside the graph sheet there will be a Quadrilateral. We have to count the number of squares in the Quadrilateral. 11. You are having 31kg of rice. You are provided with a 1kg stone for weighing. In how many weights the 31kg of rice can be weighed. Ans: 5 12. A starts at 11:00AM and travels at a speed of 4km/hr. B starts at 1:00PM and travels at 1km/hr for the first 1hr and 2km/hr for the next hr and so on. At what time they will meet each other. Ans: 13. There are 80 coins, among them one coin weighs less compared to other. You are given a physical balance to weigh. In how many wieghings the odd coin can be found. Ans: 14. Dia of the circle 4cm. The shaded part is 1/3 of the square area. What is the side of the square. Ans: root of 3pi 15. A,B,C, can do a work in 8,14,16 days respectively. A does the work for 2 days. B continues from it and finishes till 25% of the remaining work. C finishes the remaining work. How many days would have taken to complete the work Ans: