帝王龍珠洗髓功訓練課程  /  貴妃祕術產後鎖陰訣



Technique of Vaginal muscle contraction after giving birth to babies


Terms and Conditions 條件


  1. Learning of THE EMPEROR DRAGON BALL KUNG FU COURSE / THE SECRET MAGIC OF QUEENS Technique of Vaginal muscle contraction after giving birth to babies is strictly restricted to training under the guidance and supervision of a qualified supervisor or instructor. A prescribed form of herbal medication given in the package by the management also forms an important and essential part of the training program. The training and exercise program also involves the use of different types of specially designed equipment which are made available as part of the package. As such, the management shall not be liable or responsible for any untoward happenings or adverse effect to the applicants/students (whether physically or mentally) due to their own acts and negligent without the proper guidance and supervision of a qualified supervisor or instructor.
  2. I, the undersigned hereby declare and undertake as follows.
    1. That, I fully understand the various requirements of the course, that the training affects each and every person differently, that the effectiveness in achieving the desired goal is dependent on many factors outside the control of the management. Hence, I shall not hold the management responsible or liable for any adverse effect on my health be it physically or mentally.
    2. Not to duplicate the equipment or any part or part thereof.
    3. To follow the conform with the proper instructions and methods of training provided by the management and its supervisors and instructors and shall not commence the same without taking the herbal medication prescribed and provided by the management.
    4. Wherever weight training and exercise is involved, the limit shall not exceed the maximum of 10 (ten) kilograms.
    5. Unless with the formal authorization and consent of the management, the applicant/student shall not teach, instruct, supervise or give training to any other parties (whether persons registered with the management or not) both during and /or after completion of the course.


  1. I fully understand that this course involve physical training and exercises that enhance a healthy living and I agree with the above terms and conditions and hereby indemnify and keep your management, instructors and supervisors indemnified against all negligence and liabilities whatsoever.






Signature of applicant申請者簽名





This terms and conditions must be signed in duplicates, one for applicant and original copy for the management.


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