D2000oooooog (are you noticing a pattern yet?)


This is like my baby bloo vest top


Liz's dog is very strange, in fact it's a cat. Well I never! That certainly explains a lot.Erm. Here is a list of reasons why it's strange:

  1. It never gets walked, apparently it doesn't need it.
  2. It eats sheeeeeba (cat food)
  3. It goes to the "poodle parlour"
  4. It stinks like a daaawg
  5. It licks Liz's feet by it's own free will
  6. It's a masochist i.e. it doesnt run off to the RSPCA after being shut out in a lightning storm.
  7. It's too small, quite frankly.
  8. It eats 1cm cubed of food a day
  9. It's physically incapable of chewing
  10. It will be buried in it's own small, white coffin

Louse drew that, can you tell?


BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBOTOX. I don't want to do this anymore.