<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/ejholt2000/SchoolDays.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
                      School Days

First Verse
Noth-ing to do, Nel-lie Dar - ling; noth-ing to do   you say?
Let's take a trip on mem - o - ry's ship,
back to the by - gone days,________
Sail to the old vil - lage school house;
an-chor out - side the school door.___
Look in and see; there's you and me;
a cou-ple of kids once more._____

School days, school days; dear old gold - en rule days,
Read-in' and 'rit - in and 'rith - me - tic;
taught to the tune of a hick - 'ry stick,
You were my queen in cal - i - co;
I was your bash - ful  bare - foot beau.
And you wrote on my slate, "I love you, so,"
when we were a cou-ple of kids._____

Second Verse
'Mem-ber the hill, Nel-lie Dar - ling;
and the oak tree that grew on its brow?____
They've built for-ty  sto-ries up - on that old hill,
and the oak's an old chest - nut now,_____

'Mem-ber the mea-dows so green, dear;
so fra-grant with clo-ver and maize?___
In-to new cit-y lots and pre-ferred bus'-ness plots,
they've cut them up since those days.____

School days, school days; dear old gold - en rule days,
Read-in' and 'rit - in and 'rith - me - tic;
taught to the tune of a hick - 'ry stick,
You were my queen in cal - i - co;
I was your bash - ful  bare - foot beau.
And you wrote on my slate, "I love you, so,"
when we were a cou-ple of kids._____
Elizabeth J. Holt