Sites For Teacher                                        

Prevent Child Abuse America:
Prevent Child Abuse America was established in 1972 to build a nationwide commitment to preventing all forms of child abuse. This site provides information about the issue of Child Abuse and tries to prompt the awareness and the prevention of Child Abuse.

National Children Alliance:
NCA accredited members are Children's Advocacy Centers. Children's Advocacy Centers offer a new way of serving abuesed children through a comprehensive approach to services for victims and their families.

International Child Abuse Network (YesICan):
This site is working worldwide to break the cycle of child abuse. It includes a 24 hour chat groups, which related to domestic violence and child abuse and a memorial link.  It also provides a student and researcher page in order to help them to have a broader perspective on this social issue.

Canadians Against Child Abuse Society
This site provides educational material on child abuse prevention in addition to information on the society and its programs. This site also provides the Statistics on Child Abuse.

Parenting in Canada:
This site is written to parents who have come to Canada from another country and who want information about Canadian laws on child rearing- especially on the issue of Child Abuse. 



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