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Get started Good hotkeys Effects Instruments Unwriten laws Hints


Getting started!

Here you can lurn how to handle FastTrackerII, but I think its posible to understand if you are using another tracker to. All images are from Digitracker. The easiest way to learn tings is, in my opinion, to try and play around with it(special computer software's). But if you haven't a clue how to start, you easily get bored.

To get sound!

Start with loading a song by clicking on Disc Op and choose Module (module is the same as song) on the Item menu.
If you don't have any, you can always take one off my songs.
When you have loaded the song, get out of disc op and click on Config. Here you pick your soundcard. Check if you have written correct by playing the song. Press the right Ctrl-key. When you have done it, set frequency(also in config) on as high as possible(my soundcard manages just 125000).
Go out of qonfig and click on zap and then on song.
Now the song has disappeared, but the instrument is left, wich you can found in the window to the right. Instead of instrument name composers usually write messages.
To play the Instrument your using your keyboard as a piano. It works like this:

The line that starts with ZXC... is white keys(on a piano) and the line abow (ASD...) is black.
The line that starts with QWE.. is alsow white but one octave up and the number line(123...) is black

, and Q are the same note.
Then you can choose octave with F1-F8 (F1 is the darkest).
Go to the "instr ed" and play there, and maybe you understand better.
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If you now push on play button you'll se some digits that rolls upwards and then restarts with a brief space.
This is Fast trackers "notepaper". Here you place tones, and when the bar in the middle comes to a tone, it plays.

Press on spacebar (a frame shall appear around entire FT2) and try to place tones by using the arrow keys and then push on the tone you wan to have (like C by pressing Q) and where you want it.

You can also put notes that will play on the same time by chousing another track(press TAB-key). Several instrument can be plaid in the same track but not simultaneously. You get more tracks by pushing on add.
If you now play the song, you will see that it restarts after just some seconds.
It's because the song is just one notepaper(pattern) long. The pattern you just done, is called 00.
If you go up to the left and push on Ins(insert) your song will now have two 00 patterns.

If you go to the small window to the left wich now have two rows instead of one, and set the marker on the lowest (01 00) bar and push on the up arrow that you find just in to the right, your song will have your pattern(00) and then one that is empty(01). You can see how long the song is on "Songlen" just beneath the small window. Now you can proceed on your song in pattern 01.
When your done with your new pattern (01) just click on Ins and then one time on the up-arrow to get a new pattern. You can also use an earlier pattern again.
The numbers to the left stands for the order and the numbers to the right in the window stands for pattern.
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You maybe have a nice little melody that you want to proceed in the next pattern. Then it can be boring to write it over and over again
Here you have the cut and paste hotkeys:

SHIFT+F3 = cut track
SHIFT+F4 = copy track
SHIFT+F5 = paste track
CTRL +F3 = cut pattern
CTRL +F4 = copy pattern
CTRL +F5 = paste pattern
ALT +F3 = cut blocks (create a block by holding down the MouseKey on a track and drag up or down.)
ALT +F4 = copy blocks
ALT +F5 = paste blocks

Here are some not so important hotkeys:

F9-F12 = Jump in pattern (can be sett with SHIFT+F9..F12)
Page Up = Jump up 16 lines
PageDown= Jump down 16 lines
Home = Go to line 0
End = to the end


TAB/TAB+SHIFT = swaps track
ALT+Q-I= Jump to track 1-7
ALT+A-K= Jump to track 8-15
Right CTRL = Play song
ALT Gr = Play pattern
Right SHIFT= Record
SPACE = Edit and Stop
F1-F7 = Octaves
SHIFT+arrows= chance instrument( also possible with the right number keys.
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You make a effect like this:

A tone looks like this: C1 1--000
If I write like this instead I easier can explain :
(1)C1 (2)1(3)--(4)000
On (1) you see whch tone you have pressed and in which octave.(2) is which instrument you used and (3) is the volume 0-40(on just that tune). On (4) you put in the effects. On the first zero(from left) you write the signature of the effect and the two other is information about the effect
C1 1 30 F04 = the note is C, octave 1, volume 30 and the effect F(meaning speed) is on 04.

Here you got some effects:
A = Volume slide. Up = Ax0. Down = A0x. x=digit
B = jump to the pattern you write after (ex. B04 jumps to pattern 04)
C = Volume 00-40
D = Jump to next pattern
F = speed 1-9(01-09). 1 = fastest
G = Volume on all tracks 00-40
H = Volume on all tracks slide(see A)
P = Panning(slide between loudspeaker) left= P0x. right=Px0. x=digit.
1 = Slide up
2 = Slide down
3 = Psycho effect
4 = Vibrato (77 is rather nice)
9 = Plays the last part of the instrument. If you have a sound that says "how are you", you can get it say "are you" by using effect 9.
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The instruments in Fast tracker is just sampled sounds like .wav or> Good instrument exist on many places on the net and are easy to make by your self. You get instrument to FT2 by clicking on "disc op" and chousing instrument/sample on the "Item" menu. When you have chosen one instrument and want to chouse another, you have to set the marker one step down in the bigger window in the upper right. br> If we say that you have three good drum sounds. one hihat, one basdrum and one snare, it can be boring to always have to swap between these.
Then you maybe want the bassdrum on the C-note on the keyboard, the snare on D and the hihat on E.
Load the instrument in the SMALL window in the right. Lets say that the basdrum is on 0, the hihat on 1, and the snare on 2. Go now to the "Instr ed". Now it will stand 0 on all keys which means that the basdrum is on every key. Mark the hihat in the window and click on the D-key in an good octave, and it will now stand 1 there.
Now the hihat can be plaid on D-key in only that octave. Now I think you understand.
In the Instrument Editor you can also set vibrato, after tatch, transpose the key numbers without changing the tone and panning(in which loudspeaker the instrument will apear). In order to set aftertutch (fadeout) you must click on "volume envelope" in the left corner. You can fine-tune the instrument here with "tune".
The difference between an instrument and a sample is that the sample is just a sound but the instrument can have many samples.
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Unwritten laws

This is things that allot MOD-composers dislike:

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A cool effect that you can use is to take an instrument wich sound "WAAAEEEEIIIIOOO" or something like that. Then you disable and set the volymen constantly.
C1 01 -- ---
-- -- 00 ---
-- -- 40 ---
-- -- 00 ---
-- -- 40 ---
Now it will sound like "BA BI BEG BO BY"

Another good effect is to play a melody and then copy the melody and put it on next track but some step down, and then turn down the volume a bit on all tones on the other melody. Now it while be a bit echo.
examples :
c1 ! --
-- ! c1
d1 ! --
-- ! d1
e1 ! --
-- ! e1
c1 ! --
-- ! c1
d1 ! --
-- ! d1

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