Concert Dress
Concert Etiquette
Private Lessons


The philosophy of the Elizabeth High School Music Department is to foster personal, intellectual, and affective growth through quality musical performance resulting in activities promoting leadership, high quality, community, and collective effort. We also want to have fun!

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Students should:

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There are only three:

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Music ensembles are team efforts. When part of the team is missing, it is difficult to function properly. Every member’s presence is needed at all classes, rehearsals, and performances. The following are the only times that an excused absence is considered:

The following are NOT acceptable reasons for absence:

Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class or rehearsal. Tardy is defined as not being in your seat ready to begin when attendance is taken. Being in the classroom, but unprepared or unready is considered a tardy. If you must be absent, communicate with Mrs. Cate prior to the absence. Attendance at performances outside of the school day is REQUIRED.

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Concerts/Performances/Dress Rehearsals

All concerts, performances, and dress rehearsals are REQUIRED. They are a public sharing of our accomplishments and a communication of the language and emotion of music. Concerts are an extension of the classroom and are viewed as major tests. Concerts must be a group effort. Students are expected to note dates on their calendars immediately and make every effort to avoid conflicts as they make other plans. Performance absence due to illness or a family emergency will result in an opportunity for the student to restore, at most, 80% of the missed grade points. Unexcused absences from a concert will result in an automatic “F” for the quarter and may not be made up.

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Concert Dress

All performing groups will have a standard dress:

If a financial hardship occurs, please see Mrs. Cate. This dress code is REQUIRED for all performances. Students not dressed properly will not be allowed to perform and will lose participation points as in an unexcused absence.

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Concert Etiquette

All students will be expected to listen to other musical groups they are not performing in and provide appropriate support as an audience member. Audience members are expected to remain for the ENTIRE performance. If you must leave the auditorium for any reason, please do so during intermission or changing of groups on stage. It is improper concert etiquette to enter or leave while a performance is in progress. It is distracting to the performers and other audience members. Any talking during a performance is discourteous to the performers and other audience members. Please refrain from flash photography while a performance is in progress, as it is extremely distracting to the performers.

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Students must provide a black, 3-ring binder in which to put their repertoire. Each student is responsible for the music in that folder and will be charged for any music that is lost.

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Private Lessons

Private lessons are the most efficient way of improving on your vocal technique. Through private study, a professional works with you on a one-to-one basis to hear you sing and give you tips for improvement. You can improve as an individual much faster through private study and choir than just choir alone. It is NOT a requirement to take private lessons–only highly recommended!!

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Grading Policies

Vocal music classes are academic subjects that students receive credit for like any other class. Therefore, grades must be earned as in any other curricular subject. Attendance and participation will be awarded on a daily basis for students showing up to rehearsal on time and prepared (with the proper materials). ALL ABSENCES, EVEN THOSE WHICH ARE EXCUSED, WILL RESULT IN A TOTAL LOSS OF PARTICIPATION POINTS. However, points lost due to an excused absence may be made up by the student. Tardiness will result in loss of five participation points (half).

Quarter grades are based on a numerical average of the following:

Semester grades are based on the numerical average of two quarter grades (each worth 40%) and the semester exam (worth 20%). The semester exam will consist of a quartet performance, an individual sight-singing test, tonal skills, and a written exam.

In accordance with EHS Grading policy, quarter and semester grade percentages will be assigned the following letter grades:

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Participation (Lettering) Points

In order to letter, the student must receive a total of 100 points for the school year in which s/he wishes to letter. No points can be added into the next-year’s tally. All points are subject to change and are up to teacher discretion. Please see the Forms section of this site for a Lettering Registry.

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