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Ancient Egyptian history covers a continuous period of over three thousand years. To put this in perspective - most modern countries count their histories in hundreds of years. Only modern China can come anywhere near this in terms of historical continuity.

Egyptian culture declined and disappeared nearly two thousand years ago. The last vestiges of the living culture ceased to exist in AD 391 when the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius I closed all pagan temples throughout the Roman Empire.

It was not until Napoleon's invasion of Egypt in 1798 that the wonderful artefacts of the Egyptians were seen in Europe and their ancient culture began to awaken from its long slumber.

egyptsight Ancient Egypt the CD ROM

A year in the making - Over 240 pages of text illustrated with over 1700 images, including photos, paintings, drawings, interactive maps, 16 videos, computer generated reconstructions and lots more.

If you own a copy of the CD ROM
click here for news & updates>>>

Image of the day - Each day new images appear at the top of this page. They are recreations of ancient Egyptian scenes. (if you are still seeing the old images refresh your browser)

Temple of Dendara Reconstruction - watch the temple being built.
The Girl with the Rose Red Slippers - This Cinderella story is 2,500 years old.
On this site you will find lots of Egyptian stuff. There are stories of the great kings & queens.
You will find out about the fabulous buildings of the ancient Egyptians. See interactive maps, as well as pyramid & temple reconstructions.

There is a basic description of hieroglyphic writing. And for a bit of fun you can send a friend their name as an eCard using the hieroglyphic translator. There are also images of hieroglyphs you can use in your own projects.

You will also learn about Egyptian numerals and can test your knowledge with some mathematical problems set out using the ancient numbers.

Note: For those of you who have trouble printing the pages:
In File/Page setup - set your margins for A4 paper to 10mm or less. The same should work for Letter size paper also.

It has recently come to my notice that some people are taking my images and text, from this site, and then passing it off as their own.
I have no objection to people using the material on this site for Educational, non-profit purposes provided I'm credited with a link back to this site. If you wish to use the materials on this site please eMail me and ask permission. Please remember All Text & artwork is © HANY ABD EL MONEIM  2001 - 2002

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