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Any ideas you have may be included on this solutions page. It would be good if the solutions map to the problems (e.g. by a table format or cross reference) so we see exactly how is it addressing it.


We need to create awareness about our activities. We need more people to know that reform is not a vision or a demand of a select few people, but the vast majority of Egyptians want it.

We need to have a logo that can be hung on balconies, cars, and streets, and be an indication of how many people really want reform.

We need those who are on the internet to inform others who do not have internet access about our vision, and ask more and more people to participate. Tell you neighbors, your friends, your colleagues at work, your relatives...everyone.


An internet petition on the PetitionsOnline web site can be started. This may not have any tangible effects (meaning that it will not change much on the ground) but it will be a good measure to know how many Egyptians are willing to spread the word around by emailing it to friends, and signing it.

Can you volunteer to draft this petition and post it on our Message Board for discussion?

Among the points would be:

  • a. Abolishing Emergency Law
  • b. Allowing more parties to form, and legalizing those who are banned (because if they are not allowed to operate in the light, they will go underground, causeing trouble).
  • c. More freedom of speech and political activism
  • d. Limiting a president to certain number of terms
  • e. Appointing a vice president
  • f. Truly Free elections
  • The above solutions are a starting point, and reform in the economy and other areas should follow.



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