Copyright Information2003

Publisher :
Neak Y. T. (Rick)
Copyright © 2003
- play@eGUYZ - SKY 713705


World Rights Reserved. NO part of my publication may be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, faxed, copied, duplicated, photographed, burned, mutilated, stepped on or spit on.

No section may be copied for private or commercial distribution, instruction, reference, or promotional use in anyway.


Images and Logos used on this site have
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10-xXx : If you forward this page to alot of people you have done something good and you may not have to do anything good for the rest of your life again.
5-10 : Your friends will think you are cool and you sworn enemy will secretly love you.
0-5 : You are still alright
0-0 : You are an embecile!

Hell with 'Copyright © play@eGUYZ',
No Rights is Reserved. Yea you hear me right, Bob!