Let It Snow

Every New Year many adults make New Years Resolutions. However, before the month is over many of the best laid plans have fallen by the side of the road. This also happens with your child. Children want to please their parents. They try very hard to follow the rules, but, there are those times when it is just too difficult for them to stick to the rules. When this happens, parents become frustrated and angered by their child's behavior. The child is also upset with himself to think that he/she has disappointed their parents. During those times when your child tests the limits, it is important to let the child know, you are angry with the behavior the child exhibited and NOT the child. Young children tend to confuse the words "love and like", consequently when a parent makes statements that seem to attack the child, he/she feels that the parent does not love them, when they have made a mistake. It is very important that the parent clearly identify the child's behavior and not attack the child as an individual. You love your child, you don't like his behavior, when he hits his sister, etc.. During these long, dreary, winter months, everyone begins to find themselves feeling "cranky", short-tempered, and restless. When the children fighting with each other is wearing you down, take time to something special with them. It will lift everyone's spirits and is an excellent way to keep the communication open.

Helpful Tips For Parents:

. Plan a picnic in the living room - spread a blanket on the floor, make at picnic lunch with your favorite summertime treats, dress in your summer clothes, and talk about all the fun activities you like to do in the summer.

.Make Friday night "Family Night" pick out a kids video, make popcorn, then cuddle up on the couch all together and share watching the movie with your children.

. Take advantage of those snowy days to help your child build a snow man, make a snow fort, go sledding, make snow angels, have a snowball fight, or just take a walk outside and talk while it is snowing.

. Play a game with your child - cards, board games like Pictionary, Cranium, Monopoly, or play Charades, twenty questions.

. Playing guessing games, practicing remembering their math facts, looking for words they can read on signs that begin with letters of the alphabet, spelling words, or math games while riding in the car makes a long ride seem shorter and be fun at the same time.

. When at a restaurant, while waiting for your order to be taken or dinner to be served, use the paper placemates to draw animals, have each person take a turn asking a "yes or no" question to find out which animal it is. 