Create An Alien
The year is 2024 and genetic studies have advanced so quickly that scientists are now able to create any type of living creature by altering  DNA.  In a recent article of Science World, scientists announced their plan to start life on the eight other planets in our solar system as well as our moon within the next five years.  But what will these creatures look like and how will they survive?  
You and your team of scientists have been chosen to create a space alien for one of the nine planets or the Earth's moon.  This creature must be able to survive.  It must be able to breathe the air, find food to help it stay healthy and grow, and have a body structure capable of sustaining itself within the planet's atmosphere. Once you have been divided into teams, you will each have a job that you must complete. 
1.  Your teacher will assign you into teams of three.
2.  Each team member chooses a role.  If you are unable to decide,
     put the jobs into a hat and pick one.

Respiration:  Your job is to study the planet's atmosphere. 
                What will be your creature's main gas of respiration?
                How does your creature's repiratory system compare to humans?
                Draw a picture of your creature's Respiratory System and explain
                how it works.
Digestions:  Your job is to figure out what is abundant on your planet
                              for your alien to eat.  How does your creature's digestive
                              system work?  Maybe it is not a
heterotoph.  If
                              not, explain how your creature makes its own food.
Appearance:  Your job is to draw a detailed diagram of your
                                creature's protective covering (skin).  The important
                                things to remember are the atmospheric problems and
                                how your creature's outer skin layer will protect its vital
                                internal organs.

3.  Use the following resource links to help you learn more about your
     creature's new home planet.  The library also has great resources to use.

Planet Information: This site is a wonderful resource for planet research.

Build an Alien:  Use this site to help you draw your alien if you need it. 

Human Body:  Use this site to help you compare your creature's body
                             systems to your own.
4.  Print out the following table to help you organize your research.

5.  Once you have completed your research, write up seperate reports that
     inform us of your conclusions.  Then combine your reports and present
     your creature to the class.
Your grade will depend on the following criteria:
50 points for a clearly organized report with no spelling, grammar, and
               capitalization errors.
25 points for presenting the creature in an interesting manner that keeps the
               class' attention.  Use of visual aids and clear strong voice will help.
15 points for meeting the deadline and being prepared with all materials.
10 points for working as a team (able to settle disagreements without teacher  
               intervention, making progress in an appropriate amount of time).