    "Naturally, the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany.   That is Understood.  But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliment,  or a communist dictatorship.  Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.  That is easy.  All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.  It works the same in any country."
        Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag, Nazi Party, and Luftwaffe Commander in Chief
Links to Independent News Sources
Democracy Now
Independent Media Center
Indymedia Israel/Palestine
Corporate (Crap) Media Sources
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Thought Criminal:   
Creative Inspiration:          Heyduke Smith
The Latest Issue
Minds Liberated
Discussion Forum:
I'm going to try to use this guestbook as a disscussion forum.  View the Guestbook to read posts, and sign the guestbook to add a post.  We'll see how it works.  I will also ask that everyone who participates keep things nice and friendly.
Erik Snodgrass AKA Johnny Appleseed
Free Information- Free your Mind!
Educate Yourself about the CIA
Boycott Taco Bell (Toxic Hell)- click here for details
Online Books
The axis of Corporate Evil
History of the Middle East
U.S. Arms Transfers and Security Assistance to Israel
The United States and the Middle East: Why Do "They" Hate Us?- Stephen R. Shalom
Noam Chomsky
What Uncle Sam Really Wants
Keeping the Rabble In line- Interviews with David Barsamian
Year 501: The Conquest Continues
Deterring Democracy
Che Guevara
Guerilla Warfare
Abbie Hoffman
Steal This Book
If anyone finds anything else that is good, free, and online, email me so I can put it up.
NPR - (Audio)
Don't you hate these stupid pop- up ads?
Bush Body Count
Bush Watch
Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting
Seattle Indymedia
Urban Warrior- Turning Cops into Troops: A look at the rise of Domestic Militarization
Rolling Thunder Down Home Democracy Tour
Nonviolence Web
Noam Chomsky on the Drug- Terror Link
Refuse and Resist
Billionaires for Bush (or Gore)
No War With Iraq!
Click to find out Why.
The Onion
Guardian Unlimited
Common Dreams News Center
BBC Americas
Just For Laughs (and you might learn something too)
Author of Stupid White Men and Downsize This:Random Threats From an Unarmed American
Films Include: Roger & Me, The Big One, Bowling For Columbine, and Canadian Bacon
This Modern World
Helen Caldicott- Writer, Speaker, Pediatrician, Nuclear Activist
New Book- The New Nuclear Danger: George Bush's Military Industrial Complex
Commentary: Today's Important issues
Speech given at Smith College on Nov. 12, 2002- link to Democracy Now!
Vote To Impeach
Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney General under the Johnson Administration is attempting to gather signatures on a petition urging members of congress to start impeachment proceedings against President Bush and other in his administration on charges of war crimes, trampling civil liberties and violating the U.S. Constitution.  In the email that I recieved on Sat. March 15th, it was announced that so far over 100,000 people have already signed the petition.  In order to add your name to the petition, click on the graphic below.
A Citizen's Declaration
Affirming a commitment to peace and diplomatic solutions to world conflicts rather than war.
Peace Organizations - massive internet action campaign.  Responsible for the Virtual March on Washington, in which hundreds of thousands of people flooded the phone lines of congressional offices and the White House comment line urging our government to halt its rush to war with Iraq.  Also uses email and its website to include people in internet campaigns, petitions and other political actions.
True Majority - Another internet network, founded by Ben Cohen, cofounder of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.  "A powerful 'loudspeaker' to make your voice heard in congress... To combine the power of environmental, social justice, peace, and equal justice advocates... To build a just and sustainable world."  The coolest part of this campaign is that they offer free faxes to your representatives in congress- normally rallying around certain issues.
A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) - Responsible for huge anti-war (pro-peace) marches in Washington D.C.  They have great resources and flyers ready to be printed.  A little militant for my tastes, but hey, we're all in this together. - A people's referendum opposing war in Iraq.
United for Peace and Justice - Great information, both on the issues concerning this war, and info on protests around the counrty.  Organizing tools and info on local protests (yes, the actions of the Palouse Peace Coalition are listed in their events) Also includes links to por-peace bumper stickers, posters, flyers, etc.
EPIC - Education for Peace in Iraq Center  Lots of great info
Iraq Peace Pledge - 79001 signatures
Not in Our Name - No war on the world, No detentions and Roundups, No Police State Restrictions.  Sign the pledge of resistance, and tell the government to stop starting wars in our name!
Vetrans Against the Iraq War - Name says it all.
NEW! Idaho Indymedia!
Get Active!
Download Flyers and pass them out to people you see on the street, or hang them up in prominent locations around town.  The best weapon we have to fight war (not wars) with is education.  Attend peace vigils and protests (I personally find this hard to do because of time constraints, but not every one is as busy as me, there are some awesome people out there attending these all the time).  But most importantly, call or write your Congressmen and the President.
Great Downloadable Flyers:


1. War Profits  
Side 1    Side 2
Truth is the First Casualty of War
3. Challenging Military Myths and Promoting Nonviolent Solutions 
Full Size     Half Size
4. Where your Income Tax Money Really Goes 
html pdf
War Resister's
Page of Downloadable Flyers (including window signs, stickers, and more flyers

International A.N.S.W.E.R.:

Answering Bush's BIG Lies About Iraq
The U.S. and Iraq in Historical Perspective
One Century of U.S. Military Interventions
Answer's Page of Downloadable flyers (there's a lot)

Flyers from United for Peace and Justice
Click Here to Find out How to Contact your Representatives, Senators, and the President