Free The Israeli Soldiers Now!



Eight Israeli Soldiers are not free to return home. They are held hostages in an unknown place, in hostile hands, presumably in a neighboring country. Their families and friends miss them and want to see them safe, our country is worried about their fate, and many people are working, mostly secretly, to bring them back home.


It is essential to inform the people in the United States and Europe of the existence of Adi Avitan, Benny Avraham, Omar Souad, Elchanan Tannembaum, Ron Arad, Zachary Baumel, Tzvi Feldman and Yehuda Katz, those eight Israeli soldiers. Perhaps when more people in Western, Democratic countries are aware of the facts, they will put pressure on their governments, on the International Red Cross, and on the United Nations to do more than they have done so far. Clearly, they have not done enough.


To be sure, Israeli High School pupils have a role to play. The time has come to get YOU actively involved in doing something to bring the Kidnapped Israeli soldiers back home.



Your class has been invited to take part in a coordinated effort that will include speaking tours of Israeli High School pupils to Major American and European Cities. You will speak in English to audiences made up of, among others, High School pupils and their teachers, and representatives of the local Media. You will also show them a multimedia presentation, or photographs, maps, etc. because "pictures are worth a thousand words".


Israel counts on you to fulfill your task and help increase international awareness of the plight of our missing men.




Click on the picture of Yehuda Katz to go back to the Web Quest.




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