Edmonton & District Beekeepers Association Inc.
The Edmonton & District Beekeepers Association has existed for so long, over 50 years, that no one remembers exactly when it started

Generally, it has acted as a support group for beekeepers in Central Alberta, Canada. Through having local and visiting experts give presentations, the EDBA tries to keep abreast of current issues and adapt to the changing needs of beekeepers.

Before 1987, the EDBA was heavily involved in getting packaged bees from the United Sates for local beekeepers. More recently its focus has been on educating members on local issues and lobbying for services not being met in the general beekeeping community.
The beginning beekeeper Course in Edmonton was held May 29/30. 35 people attended. The Barbeque was held July 11th.
The association services include the lending library of current publications, the mentoring committee, and a newsletter sent out eight times a year reporting on current issues, as well as advertising future events,used equipment and bees for sale.

The Edmonton & District Beekeepers Association meets eight times a year on the second last Thursday of the month in Jan. Mar. Apr. May. Sep. Oct. In Feb. and Nov. meetings are held earlier to coincide with day conferences organized by the ABA. No meetings are held in December, June, July or August unless a special meeting or visit is scheduled. Meetings in 2009:  May 21, Sep.17, Oct. 22. Nov.4 ( Tues.).

Meetings are usually held ( 20km. west of Edmonton ) at Bee Maid Co-op in Spruce Grove, Alberta located at 70 Alberta Ave in the industrial park. Meetings start at 7:30 PM

Currently an annual membership costs $25.00. Mail cheques and contact info. to 'Edmonton and District Beekeepers Association' 7703 111St. Edmonton T6G1H3

EDBA Executive for 2009
President: Malcolm Connell
Ph: 780-497-4088 email:connellmjm@hotmail.com
Vice President:Jack Thorpe email: cjtalt@telusplanet.net
Treasurer Barb Nipp bmondea@telus.net
Secretary:newsletter/free classified ads:Patty Milligan 780-921-3657, pattymilligan@albertacom.com
Cor de Wit: cm_dewit@hotmail.com
Konrad Ilg: rubysilg@telusplanet.net
Mario Bevilacqua
John Rucki
Next meeting Thursday 7:30pm. Oct.22nd at Bee Maid Coop,70 Alberta Av. Spruce Grove.
Alberta Beekeepers Association
British Columbia Honey Producers Assoc.
Saskatchewan Beekeepers Assoc.
Manitoba Beekeepers Association