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                   The Edmonton Compassion Club is a non-profit group

           that helps The chronically Ill, severe pain, sick and dieing   

                 obtain Medical  marijuana respectfully for there conditions





FREE Membership !!!  ENROLE NOW ........... IF You know someone... Refer them to us !!





                                                              LEGAL RIGHTS:

The Canadian Government with regards to medical marijuana have 2 bills that are of special interest to Compassion Clubs and medical users of Cannabis.
Bill C-335, is an Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act    (medical use of marihuana) and

Bill C-344, is an Act to amend the Contraventions Act and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (marihuana).

Both these bills have had First Reading in the House of Commons. We are Quite pleased with the position of the Canadian Government in respecting the needs and rights of Canadian citizens. Click on the links to both bills at the Parliamentary Web Site.







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