The Secret World Of The Grey Hamster
Grey Hamster
Hi. My name is Hamster, and i have been grey for the majority of my life. "A Grey Hamster? Impossible!" You say that now.. But it is possible. It all started when i was 5 years old and i was in a tragic concrete mixer accident. This accident happened on the 25th of december, many years ago. My owner, the innocent 3 year old Charlie, was given a jackhammer for Christmas, and i was given one of those balls that some people put hamsters in , so that they can roam "free." Anyways, Charlie was having a jollygood time with his jackhammer, making large holes in random places, such as toilet walls, etc, when his father came home. He was quite angry at Charlie for playing with the jackhammer,as it turned out that the jackhammer was meant to be his fathers present. Not Charlies. His Father was quite made, so he kicked the ball .. with me inside it... out into the yard, and i landed in one of the holes that Charlie had made with his jackhammer. No one had noticed that i was gone, and the next day the hole was filled in with concrete. I now live in this concrete filled hole. And I have been living here for a long, long time. This is a picture of me that was taken last week by a passing groundhog.
This is a picture of Charlie on that fatefull Christmas day. He was 3 years old. I am still wondering today, why I didn't think it was slightly weird for a 3 year old to recieve a jackhammer for Christmas.
Anyways. That is now the PAST. Charlie is probably about 15 by now, and has a garage full of tractors and other manly things. Sauces tell me that he has already forgotten me.
So today i shall begin to look towards the future, rather than the past. It's no use holding onto Charlie if he doesn't remember me. So i am going to seek REVENGE.

Note from Hamster: This site is still being made. I need to update it with my revengeful ways quite soon. Sign my guestbook.

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