.:About This Site:.

Hee this is a site thats all about art!! Wee!! Lol I like to spin oh ya anyways, lol so this is a site about random art!!! Wee! Dammit! Okay anyways so ya okay um..... I forgot what I was going to say........ OH YA! Okay ya so Hatz and Ed are going out and we love to draw ^_^_^. So what better way to show our love through a site! Lol haha!

lol Ed's very hyper ladies and gents (but we love it lol);) I can't wait to get this site up and running! We'll take requests for pics from anyone who says please X3 lol well, and also anyone who kindly gives us some sort of description as to what exactly they want in a pic! Also, if there's any talented artists out there, send us your fav pics! We'd love to post them, Ed and I love art and we'll gladly put it up for others to admire ;) ta!~

.:Monthly Art Competition:.

Every month we have an art competition in the forum section of the site, here you can post a pic of the months theme, and it will be judged by Myself or Hatz. Every month has a different theme and you are required to draw one picture to that months theme.  >> .:Monthly Art Competition:.


    .:April 17th:.
    Okay ya so I hope you guys add your pics to the forum!!!>.< Because we need pics to judge ^^ Okay so ya I have been posting alot of new piccehs and I hope you guys enjoy them!

    -Ed Out

    Ed and I have been having a blast making this website! (Did that sentence even make sense? Oh well.) I'm just finishing up the photo album as we speak, I feel so behind @_@. lol Like Ed said, take a look around, and don't forget to sign the guestbook!~

.:Contact Us:.

To contact Hatz or Ed please em@il us through your internet host because the links below won`t work.



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