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Gender: Masculine
: English, Latin
Lazarus is the Latin form of Lazaros, the Greek form of Eleazar, which comes from a Hebrew name meaning “God Helps.”

Lazarus was not used much in the Middle Ages in Christian Europe because a “lazarus” was a synonym for a beggar.

Lazarus, in the English-speaking world, has traditionally only been found among Jews and 17th century Puritans.

Please see Eleazar for more information.

Pronunciation: laz-ah-russ.

Aramaic: Lazar.
Catalan: Llàtzer.
French: Lazar, Lazare.
Greek: Lazaros.
Hungarian: Lázár, László.
Italian: Lazzaro.
Polish: Lazar, Lazor, Lazarz.
Spanish: Lazaro.

Famous Bearers:
Political Figures:
Lazare Carnot (1753-1823)
French statesman.
Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich (1893-1991)
Russian politician.
Lázaro Cárdenas (1895-1970)
Mexican politician.

Religious Figures:
Lazarus (Biblical)
A man raised from the dead by Jesus.

Scientists and Inventors:
Lazarus Ercker (-1593)
German metallurgist.
Lazaro Spallanzani (1729-1799)
Italian physiologist.

Percentage from the 1990 U.S. Census:
0.007 % named Lazaro

Popularity of Lazarus
Popularity (for newborns)
In the United States...
1850: 675th most popular.
1875: 1037th most popular.
1900-2000: N/A

Popularity of Lazaro:
Popularity (for newborns)
In the United States...
1900-1980: N/A
1980-1990: 910th most popular.
1990: 866th most popular.
1991: 846th most popular.
1992: 838th most popular.
1993: 879th most popular.
1994: 879th most popular.
1995: N/A
1996: 947th most popular.
1997: N/A

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