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Gender: Feminine
: English
Claribel is a combination name, the Latin Clara (“bright”) plus the popular feminine ending “bel” (French, “beautiful”).

The name Claribel was first noted in the Tempest, and was possibly coined by Shakespeare, “bell” being a popular feminine ending for many literary names of the time.

Pronunciation: clar-eh-bel.

Alternates: Claribelle, Claribella, Clarabel, Clarabella, Clarabelle.

Famous Bearers:
Educators, Scholars, and Social Workers:
Claribel Cone (1864-1929)
American art collector.

Percentage from the 1990 U.S. Census:
0.003 % named Claribel

Popularity of Claribel
Popularity (for newborns)
In the United States...
1900-1910: 785th most popular.
1910-2000: N/A

Popularity of Clarabelle:
Popularity (for newborns)
In the United States...
1900-1910: N/A
1910-1920: 981st most popular.
1920-1930: N/A

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