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Gender: Feminine
: English
Bernarda is the feminine form of Bernard. Bernard is from an Old English name, Beornheard, which means “Brave as a Bear,” or “Strength of the Bear” from “beorn” (bear), and “heard (hardy, brave, strong).

Bernarda has never been a common name.
Bernadette, the French diminutive form of the name has, however, become fairly well-known after the 19th century saint, Saint Bernadette of Lourdes (1844-1879).

Pronunciation: bur-nard-ah.

Diminutives: Berna.
French: Bernadette, Bernadine, Bernelle, Bernette.
Irish: Berneen.

Alternates: Barnardine, Bernardette, Bemadette, Berdina, Berdine, Bernardina, Bernadina, Bernadea, Bernardine, Bernetta, Bernita.
French: Bernarde.
Hungarian: Bernadett.
Italian: Bernardetta.

Masculine: Bernard.

See also: Bernadette.

Percentage from the 1990 U.S. Census:
0.039 % named Bernadette
0.014 % named Bernadine
0.004 % named Bernita
0.002 % named Bernetta
0.001 % named Bernardine
0.001 % named Bernarda
0.001 % named Berna
0.001 % named Bernardina

Popularity of Bernarda:
Popularity (for newborns)
In the United States...
1900-2000: N/A

Popularity of Bernadine:
Popularity (for newborns):
In the United States...
1900-1910: 415th most popular.
1910-1920: 320th most popular.
1920-1930: 283rd most popular.
1930-1940: 331st most popular.
1940-1950: 415th most popular.
1950-1960: 562nd most popular.
1960-1970: 724th most popular.
1970-2000: N/A

Popularity of Bernardine:
Popularity (for newborns):
In the United States...
1900-1910: N/A
1910-1920: 898th most popular.
1920-1930: 909th most popular.
1930-1940: 995th most popular.
1940-2000: N/A

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