Bull's eye! Once per game, a ship with this card can automatically hit and inflict maximum damage with its energy weapons. Only one weapon class (shock cannon, energy cannon, pulse lasers) can be used, but multiple guns can be fired.
Limitations: This card does not work the Outstanding Captain/Crew cards. It is compatible with the Improved Fire Control card, but does not apply to missile or special weapons fire.

More Special Cards!

[ Submitted by John Lane. ]


Killer Bees! Once per game, this card allows delivery of a missile, torpedo, or guided munitions salvo directly on a single target. All munitions fired will hit unless destroyed. This card can be used by a ship or by one battlecraft squadron.
Limitations: This card does not work with the Outstanding Captain/Crew cards. If used by a battlecraft squadron, they must have the Ace Fighter Squadron card as well.
(Note: this card allows horrible damage, but encourages the "empty the magazines" style of play that limits a missile boat's usefulness. I consider those factors balancing.)

Hammer of (insert diety here) Once per game, a ship with this card can automatically hit and inflict maximum damage with its special weapon. Once per campaign only, any ship (even non-EDF) can inflict two-hex spread damage in the manner of Andromeda's type 20 WMG (round fractional damage points down).
Limitations: None.

Where did they come from? Once per campaign, a battlecraft unit can enter a battle with complete surprise. They appear wherever they like, and no defensive fire is allowed against them or their munitions during the turn they appear. In subsequent turns, the battlecraft operate normally.
Limitations: The battlecraft may not use their surprise if an enemy ship is equipped with an ECCM card. The using player launches the bc in secret, but must keep track of their movement. As many battlecraft as are available may be used, but the craft must obey their movement/endurance restrictions.

Divine Wind Before the battle starts, a player with this card writes down in secret the unit(s) which will be affected. In combat, those units are driven to destroy the enemy at any cost. EDF ships will fire WMGs in their own hex, battlecraft will deliver their munitions and then ram, survivors in spacesuits will try to bang their helmets on passing ships, etc. These kamikaze units inspire their non-affected comrades' morale in the same way an emperor does, and are themselves unaffected by morale considerations. Ships under this card's influence cannot be captured; they self-destruct the moment their last defenders are overcome.
Limitations: If a ship or battlecraft unit survives (i.e. runs out of enemies), then they must be removed from combat for one battle or strategic turn to undergo trauma therapy. Special cards played on those units will be unavailable during that time.

ECCM/Radar The ship with this card cancels out an enemy ECM card. It cannot be surprised by the low-visibility approach of the "Where did they come from?" card.
Limitations: None. (Card has no effect on sub-space submarine systems.)


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